Monday, 12 January 2015

New Features For Storytiem Community

There is a new 8chan address while the old site is down:
I've just finished adding two new features for the Storytiem community; an IRC channel and a sub Reddit.

1.) The IRC Channel
For those who are unfamiliar with IRC's, it basically functions like a chatroom.

Simple go to this link:

In 'Nickname' simply type the nickname you wish to use.
In 'Channels' type #Storytiem (Make sure to include the hashtag)

FAQ's and details on permenantly claiming a name for the IRC can be found here:

Feel free to use the IRC to talk crap with each other, shoot ideas around, or just hang out. At the minute I'm the only admin, but I'll be promoting another depending on how popular it gets.

2.) The Sub Reddit
I'll be honest, I don't understand Reddit; but you guys/girls/delicious traps have never given bad advice before, so here we go - storytiem reddit.

Happy Fapping,


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