Apologies for bad formatting. I don't have access to a proper PC right now.
Let me begin by wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
8Chan has become a far bigger hit than I expected it to be. Within a fortnight we were already in the top 50 biggest boards, just behind /atheism/!
So, onto the progress report. I am breaking this down into:
A.) my stories.
B.) the work of other authors.
C.) cumming attractions.
D.) financial.
A.) My Stories
Unfortunately I can't do long sessions until the 9th January, but I am trying to update Bogwarts daily.
Pok*mon is on hiatus until I can sit down to do an actual session. Expect a full return to normal storytiem sometime in January, followed by a break in February while I panic over a dissertation, and a proper return in March/April.
8Chan's slow speed has enabled me to write much lengthier updates as well as allowing players to or go shopping and choose from a wide variety of items to purchase for Hermione. So it hasn't all been bad.
B.) The Work of Other Authors
Stunningly, four authors have started their own storytiems on the new board. I never expected this at all, but it is amazing to see. There has been truly brilliant writing and some excellently written fap scenes. Definitely take time to check these out!
See here: https://8chan.co/storytiem/catalog.html
Women in Blue
A story by Solstice, they are currently on their second thread. Here is a teaser with some minor spoilers, if you want to avoid these, head straight to thread 1 here: https://8chan.co/storytiem/res/164.html
You started out as one of New York's finest but got recruited to a secret alien/supernatural-control agency called the Women in Blue (W.I.B.). After a terrible start where you were molested by a slime-man called Lee you managed to boast your reputation with the agency by completing several tasks for them like saving them from an alien bug attack, stopping a large shipment of the alien pleasure-drug Skooma from being smuggled to earth and uncovering a plot by a local porn-king Ruben Goldberg to supply female slaves to a race of alien slavers
Legend of Lelda
Nonnymoose tells storytiem from a male perspective. The writing is great and the ideas are unique! Updated weekly!
Monsters vs Girls game - Evil on the Rise in Carpathia
A brave anon decided to attempt to host a Monsters vs Girls game. (Something even I have trouble doing properly, and I invented the fucking game!) He did well and is running a very successful MvG game with over 550 posts in his thread! Check out The Carpathian's work here: https://8chan.co/storytiem/res/646.html
Flower Buster
Another storytiem game, may be inactive. Waiting to see if author posts in their thread again.
Another storytiem game, may be inactive. Waiting to see if author posts in their thread again.
C.) Cumming Attractions
The first major plot in Bogwarts is likely to begin soon, now that you have settled in and know how it works.
In other news I am reworking Cold War Hegemony and will be opening an 8chan board for it as well. I am considering doing a Warhammer 40'000 version of Hegemony called, "Imperia Ruinea." The Empire is besieged from all sides, enemies closing in, planets are falling from its grip and the Emperor is getting closer to dying each year as his Golden Throne fails. Each player gets to take control of an Imperial Guard battalion, a Space Marine Chapter, an Inquisitor, Planetary governor etc. various events will then happen across the galaxy. You can choose to intervene, try to further your own goals, cooperate, fight with each other etc.
Players can be killed, chapters can be eradicated in battle. The Imperium can be reformed into a sensible government that can engage in diplomacy with other races and research technology, but doing so will come with other penalties. Perhaps strengthening Chaos, or igniting a second civil war in the Imperium.
Will your Inquisitor reform the Imperium and get rid of the reactionary High Lords of Terra?
Will your Space Marine Chapter fight and win glorious battles, or will they succumb to the innumerable enemies of the Imperium?
Will you cooperate or compete with other players to secure the ancient and powerful relics? Would you donate them to the Imperium to help it survive longer? Or would you seize them for yourself to secure your own legacy?
Let me know what you guys think of it as an idea.
D.) Financial
I gave decided to donate $25 of this month's Patreon money I got to /storytiem/. I will put up a poll in a few days to let the community decide what we do with it.
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