Not feeling too well at the minute; so rather than cancel the 18 hour story I'm going to push it back to Friday January 9th. I'm away over the Christmas period without good internet; so this will be the earliest weekend date that I am free to tell it.
Also, most people seemed upset with the change in how Storytiem would now work. I've taken the considerations on board and will now be doing as many of the old type of story style as I did before. In addition to these I will be giving Bogwarts a trial run with the new system for a few days. This does not exclude Bogwarts from getting a 6+ hour session however.
I am hoping to be better either Monday or Tuesday, but I know neither of these days are particularly good for people.
Stories that only get updated once per day will be having their systems streamlined to ensure they get sizeable content updates.
e.g. At the start of a day in Bogwarts I will give a list of the classes available that day and ask you to vote upon them all at once, as well as rolling all necessary tests. This will enable me to write a large chunk at once.
I will also be revamping the combat system a bit in a similar fashion. You will now be getting a large, uninterrupted erotic scene to ensure it is still possible to fap to this.
-Storytiem used to happen only once every one or two weeks. The daily updates should be viewed as a bonus storytiem, and will happen in addition to the six hour story sessions.
Onyx xx
Friday, 12 December 2014
First Story is up on /storytiem/
The first story is up on /storytiem/.
I'm changing the way stories are told now that we have a new board.
The Flagship Story will be a story that lasts on /storytiem/ for 2 months. I will try to update it at least once a day, and sometimes twice.
The Regular Story will be similar, except that it will have a definitive ending point.
Finally, the One-Off Special will last 5000 words. (Not strictly, I'll probably end up going 1000 words or so over to bring it to a satisfying conclusion)
I will mostly be doing stories through daily updates now, instead of 6 hours sessions were people had to leave during the middle. However, this does not mean I will not do anymore long sessions. If I'm free, and we're able to rally an audience I'll still do the occasional old-fashioned storytiem.
Also, interested writers among you, feel free to host your own stories! You don't have to worry about typing fast; you don't have to worry about shitposters. Take your time and just tell the story you want to tell.
Looking forward to seeing if you guys come up with any good storytiems!
The best, the best, the best wishes,
Onyx xx
I'm changing the way stories are told now that we have a new board.
The Flagship Story will be a story that lasts on /storytiem/ for 2 months. I will try to update it at least once a day, and sometimes twice.
The Regular Story will be similar, except that it will have a definitive ending point.
Finally, the One-Off Special will last 5000 words. (Not strictly, I'll probably end up going 1000 words or so over to bring it to a satisfying conclusion)
I will mostly be doing stories through daily updates now, instead of 6 hours sessions were people had to leave during the middle. However, this does not mean I will not do anymore long sessions. If I'm free, and we're able to rally an audience I'll still do the occasional old-fashioned storytiem.
Also, interested writers among you, feel free to host your own stories! You don't have to worry about typing fast; you don't have to worry about shitposters. Take your time and just tell the story you want to tell.
Looking forward to seeing if you guys come up with any good storytiems!
The best, the best, the best wishes,
Onyx xx
Thursday, 11 December 2014
So Long, Thanks For All The Shit! - Storytiem is moving to 8Chan.
It's happening, Storytiem is moving to 8Chan on a trial basis.
What does this mean for the future of Storytiem?
-An actual dice rolling mechanic will replace rolls.
-ID's are on this new board.
-In addition to the six hour sessions I usually do, I will also be able to host longer stories that get updated once or so per day. This means I can effectively host multiple games at once.
-Threads won't die as quickly.
-DesuDesuDesuDesu can be banned.
-Other Anons can try to host their own stories in a slower, more relaxed environment than the hectic /b/.
-Based Hotwheels runs 8Chan.
-Much harder to get new people to find out about Storytiem.
-ID's are not coloured.
-No more trips/quads/quints.
If you want to check out the new Storytiem board, here it is:
There isn't any content yet, but we'll get around to that. I'm currently trying to figure out a way to see what Anons rolled. e.g. How do I know they didn't just roll a d10 instead of a d100 to ensure they got a low result?
If anyone knows the answer to this please let me know.
Fappy Happing,
Onyx xx
What does this mean for the future of Storytiem?
-An actual dice rolling mechanic will replace rolls.
-ID's are on this new board.
-In addition to the six hour sessions I usually do, I will also be able to host longer stories that get updated once or so per day. This means I can effectively host multiple games at once.
-Threads won't die as quickly.
-DesuDesuDesuDesu can be banned.
-Other Anons can try to host their own stories in a slower, more relaxed environment than the hectic /b/.
-Based Hotwheels runs 8Chan.
-Much harder to get new people to find out about Storytiem.
-ID's are not coloured.
-No more trips/quads/quints.
If you want to check out the new Storytiem board, here it is:
There isn't any content yet, but we'll get around to that. I'm currently trying to figure out a way to see what Anons rolled. e.g. How do I know they didn't just roll a d10 instead of a d100 to ensure they got a low result?
If anyone knows the answer to this please let me know.
Fappy Happing,
Onyx xx
So, /b/ is fucked to hell right now.
moot seems to be either fucking about, or testing out stuff on /b/. I'm not sure which.
Regardless, there's no ID's which means that people can just spam their votes during Storytiem. It also means that the plans I had for different coloured ID's having effects is completely out the window.
If it resolves itself before Saturday, great. If it doesn't I'm gonna push back the Christmas story until things have calmed down. No sense in letting it turn into a giant shitfest.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Regardless, there's no ID's which means that people can just spam their votes during Storytiem. It also means that the plans I had for different coloured ID's having effects is completely out the window.
If it resolves itself before Saturday, great. If it doesn't I'm gonna push back the Christmas story until things have calmed down. No sense in letting it turn into a giant shitfest.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Monday, 8 December 2014
Bogwarts is Continuing Now!
Part 2:
Part 2:
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Bogwarts wins again; but with a much smaller margin!
I was concerned that Bogwarts was going to be the top story forever; but as I looked at the past polls it seems the percentage of people voting for it has steadily decreased, while the percentage of people voting for other games has now reached around 60%. Perhaps it's a pattern? Maybe it's not. We'll see.
Anyway, since Bogwarts got voted in again I'm adding some more new features to the game to keep it fresh.
Labeling Days
Instead of just Day 15, Day 16 etc. I am now going to label the days Monday-Sunday. This makes it easier to keep track at a glance.
New Classes:
1.) Religious Education and Holy Magic
Religious education will teach holy magics to combat demons and the undead. It is much more powerful than Defence Against Dark Things spells; however you can only cast holy magic if your orgasm and horniness stats are below 50%.
2.) Wizarding Law
It's law, but for wizards. It does have a use. Trust me.
3.) Bio-enchantment Class
A more advanced class only available to those who are doing well in both Charms and Bio-herbology or Magical Creature Handling. These include spells that increase your strength, agility, make you more resistant to pleasure etc.
Broom Riding
You can now use your broom to travel to different areas. Anons are welcome to suggest their ideas of where to go. Better brooms are able to travel much farther. I will be placing the location of Bogwarts on a map pretty soon so you can see the distance you can travel.
For the meantime, assume that your old knobbly broom can take you to Edinburgh's Magical Quarter, and that's about it.
If you want to go further than your broom will allow you will have to buy plane or train tickets instead.
New Dungeons
I've created several new dungeons you can explore and look for loot. As always, you should visit the MAAF society and they will let you know where you can go looking. Some Dungeons will be extremely hard, so it may be best to leave with a little bit of loot and come back later, rather than try to finish the dungeon and fail.
New Characters
I've also made 6 new characters that will be introduced as the story goes on. (3 male, 3 female)
The Storytiem Christmas Special
I will be hosting a special 18 hour session for Bogwarts for Christmas.
Yip. You read that right. My current record for writing is about 11 hours. I'm going for an 18 hour marathon for the Bogwarts story on Saturday 13th December. The date may change, but I'm pretty sure that's when it is going to be held.
Quick Question
Why is the Bogwarts story so popular?
I asked this last night on /b/ and got a few diverse answers. I'd really like to hear more from you guys/girls/delicious tarps though. If you let me know what aspects of the story are good I can try to expand on those a bit more. You can leave an anonymous comment in the Disquss box below this post.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Anyway, since Bogwarts got voted in again I'm adding some more new features to the game to keep it fresh.
Labeling Days
Instead of just Day 15, Day 16 etc. I am now going to label the days Monday-Sunday. This makes it easier to keep track at a glance.
New Classes:
1.) Religious Education and Holy Magic
Religious education will teach holy magics to combat demons and the undead. It is much more powerful than Defence Against Dark Things spells; however you can only cast holy magic if your orgasm and horniness stats are below 50%.
2.) Wizarding Law
It's law, but for wizards. It does have a use. Trust me.
3.) Bio-enchantment Class
A more advanced class only available to those who are doing well in both Charms and Bio-herbology or Magical Creature Handling. These include spells that increase your strength, agility, make you more resistant to pleasure etc.
Broom Riding
You can now use your broom to travel to different areas. Anons are welcome to suggest their ideas of where to go. Better brooms are able to travel much farther. I will be placing the location of Bogwarts on a map pretty soon so you can see the distance you can travel.
For the meantime, assume that your old knobbly broom can take you to Edinburgh's Magical Quarter, and that's about it.
If you want to go further than your broom will allow you will have to buy plane or train tickets instead.
New Dungeons
I've created several new dungeons you can explore and look for loot. As always, you should visit the MAAF society and they will let you know where you can go looking. Some Dungeons will be extremely hard, so it may be best to leave with a little bit of loot and come back later, rather than try to finish the dungeon and fail.
New Characters
I've also made 6 new characters that will be introduced as the story goes on. (3 male, 3 female)
The Storytiem Christmas Special
I will be hosting a special 18 hour session for Bogwarts for Christmas.
Yip. You read that right. My current record for writing is about 11 hours. I'm going for an 18 hour marathon for the Bogwarts story on Saturday 13th December. The date may change, but I'm pretty sure that's when it is going to be held.
Quick Question
Why is the Bogwarts story so popular?
I asked this last night on /b/ and got a few diverse answers. I'd really like to hear more from you guys/girls/delicious tarps though. If you let me know what aspects of the story are good I can try to expand on those a bit more. You can leave an anonymous comment in the Disquss box below this post.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Storytiem Tonight and Voting For Next Flagship Story!
Storytiem will begin again tonight around 11pm GMT. I may be a bit later, but it will definitely start before midnight. We will be giving Bogwarts one final bash before we see whether we will vote it out for another tale.
The new stories you can vote for the flagship position are:
The new stories you can vote for the flagship position are:
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
I'm Back
Sorry for the delay, I was up to my neck in real life shit.
The Good News
The Bad News
Hopefully I'll see you tonight,
Onyx xx
The Good News
- I may have time for a 3-4 hour storytiem tonight, but I'm not certain, so don't hold your breath. Since this isn't long enough to tell a full story I'll probably just do a couple of days of Bogwarts.
- Star Wars Parody is complete and ready to go.
- Mufloy POV Gallery Story is done and is actually over 900 words!
The Bad News
- Pok*mon is lagging behind. I need to finish off the plot and come up with more scenarios, just been too busy to work on it.
- I still have 4 gallery stories to write that I haven't gotten around to finishing yet.
- I've not received a reply from my original voice actress, so I am going to start looking for another one instead. Audiobooks will thus be delayed.
- I'm extremely busy throughout December until the second week of January. Don't expect many stories during this period.
The Other Stuff
- After about two months of playing, the Bogwarts story is finally up for a vote. The options for the flagship poll will be posted tomorrow.
- First payment for Patreon came through. Thank you everyone for supporting me! I received $49 which will be spent on searching for a voice actress.
Happy Fapping,
Hopefully I'll see you tonight,
Onyx xx
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Voting has now closed!
The final results are:
Kim Pornsible with 33 votes
St*r Wars with 40 votes.
Nicky's School days with 37 votes
Magical Girl game with 35 votes.
And the Prison Game with 18 votes.
Congratulations to St*r Wars which will become our next game for the one-off short.
The unsuccessful games will be up for voting after next storytiem. Most likely to replace the Pok*mon game.
Also, here is the poll for the two Vivian James Gallery Stories:
Kim Pornsible with 33 votes
St*r Wars with 40 votes.
Nicky's School days with 37 votes
Magical Girl game with 35 votes.
And the Prison Game with 18 votes.
Congratulations to St*r Wars which will become our next game for the one-off short.
The unsuccessful games will be up for voting after next storytiem. Most likely to replace the Pok*mon game.
Also, here is the poll for the two Vivian James Gallery Stories:
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Poll for Next One-Off Special to replace Vivian James' Video Game Nightmare
There are 5 possible stories for the next one-off special.
1. Kim Pornsible
A parody of Kim P***ible.
Sexy secret agents and cheerleaders galore!
Not to mention the sexy torture to try and make you give up secrets!
2. Star W*rs parody (War in the Stars!)
Lead your troops against the Confederate Systems army; but watch out for buzz droids, dominatrix Sith Lords, and dangerous wildlife that will try to molest you. Launch military operations and wars- the more planets you control the better the weapons and vehicles your army will have access to. There will be multiple characters, so if you lose one in combat they become a prisoner until you rescue them. Think of it like the Siege of Sengraria... except in Space!
3. Nicky's School Days
Need I say more?
It's a classic.
Nicky tries to take over her school through blackmail, while simultaneously being the victim of her own lack of respect.
4. Magical Girl Game
Kawaii game about a Magical Girl who fights monsters and demons live on TV. In addition to respect there is also a fan service meter. You need fan service to get money... but fan servicey costumes aren't very protective against tentacles...
5. Prison Game
Respect game set in a prison. You are a new arrival. Will you manage to overcome the status quo and establish yourself as the next leader of Cell Block A15?
Vivian James' Story
1. Kim Pornsible
A parody of Kim P***ible.
Sexy secret agents and cheerleaders galore!
Not to mention the sexy torture to try and make you give up secrets!
2. Star W*rs parody (War in the Stars!)
Lead your troops against the Confederate Systems army; but watch out for buzz droids, dominatrix Sith Lords, and dangerous wildlife that will try to molest you. Launch military operations and wars- the more planets you control the better the weapons and vehicles your army will have access to. There will be multiple characters, so if you lose one in combat they become a prisoner until you rescue them. Think of it like the Siege of Sengraria... except in Space!
3. Nicky's School Days
Need I say more?
It's a classic.
Nicky tries to take over her school through blackmail, while simultaneously being the victim of her own lack of respect.
4. Magical Girl Game
Kawaii game about a Magical Girl who fights monsters and demons live on TV. In addition to respect there is also a fan service meter. You need fan service to get money... but fan servicey costumes aren't very protective against tentacles...
5. Prison Game
Respect game set in a prison. You are a new arrival. Will you manage to overcome the status quo and establish yourself as the next leader of Cell Block A15?
Vivian James' Story
Friday, 14 November 2014
Storytiem Schedule and Progress!
I'm running a little late, storytiem will begin at 10:45pm GMT
Just a quick reminder that we're on tonight at 10:30pm GMT for the Vivian James story.
Tonight: 10:30pm GMT - Vivian James' Video Game Nightmare.
Sunday: 10:00pm GMT - Hermione Story
Future stories that I'm working on the plot/mechanics for are:
The 'War in the Stars' story will tell the tale of a civil war across a galaxy between a Federal Republic and an Independent Systems Confederation. (ISC) The game will have multiple characters that you can freely swap between, much like the Siege of Sengraria. Unfortunately you won't get to choose your starting faction; and will automatically be enlisted in the Federal Republic.
Furthermore, controlling certain planets and regions of space, such as asteroid fields, will allow your side to produce new and unique vehicles. Just watch out for the native wildlife on most planets... they're rather 'gropey.' Also, there will be Jodi with forceful powers and Twileks.
This story will be up for vote alongside the Prison Game, Magical Girl Game, and Nicky's School Days for the next one-off short. I will put up the poll after Storytiem tonight.
For those of you who are interested in Hegemony: Cold War. I will be starting a new blog for that and hosting games in the near future.
The best, the best, the best regards,
Onyx xx
I haven't had enough time to fully plan out the P*kem*n story; so instead of a hectic, off-the-cuff story, I'm going to wait until I've got it organised to tell a good one.
We WILL be playing the Vivian James Video Game story on Saturday still; that one is ready to go.
See you on Saturday at 10:30pm GMT,
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
I'm running a little late, storytiem will begin at 10:45pm GMT
Credit to the Unknown Author
Just a quick reminder that we're on tonight at 10:30pm GMT for the Vivian James story.
Tonight: 10:30pm GMT - Vivian James' Video Game Nightmare.
Sunday: 10:00pm GMT - Hermione Story
Future stories that I'm working on the plot/mechanics for are:
- The P*kem*n story: 60% prepared.
- War in the Stars: 80% prepared.
- Superheroine Story: 80% prepared.
The 'War in the Stars' story will tell the tale of a civil war across a galaxy between a Federal Republic and an Independent Systems Confederation. (ISC) The game will have multiple characters that you can freely swap between, much like the Siege of Sengraria. Unfortunately you won't get to choose your starting faction; and will automatically be enlisted in the Federal Republic.
Furthermore, controlling certain planets and regions of space, such as asteroid fields, will allow your side to produce new and unique vehicles. Just watch out for the native wildlife on most planets... they're rather 'gropey.' Also, there will be Jodi with forceful powers and Twileks.
This story will be up for vote alongside the Prison Game, Magical Girl Game, and Nicky's School Days for the next one-off short. I will put up the poll after Storytiem tonight.
For those of you who are interested in Hegemony: Cold War. I will be starting a new blog for that and hosting games in the near future.
The best, the best, the best regards,
Onyx xx
I haven't had enough time to fully plan out the P*kem*n story; so instead of a hectic, off-the-cuff story, I'm going to wait until I've got it organised to tell a good one.
We WILL be playing the Vivian James Video Game story on Saturday still; that one is ready to go.
See you on Saturday at 10:30pm GMT,
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Surprise Storytiem!
Tonight is Renate's Rache because I felt like telling it:
Thread 2 :
Tomorrow is 'Po**mon'
Saturday is Vivan James' Video Game Nightmare.
See you there!
Thread 2 :
Tomorrow is 'Po**mon'
Saturday is Vivan James' Video Game Nightmare.
See you there!
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
The Results Are In; and next story dates!
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Polls for Next Regular Story and One-off Special
The polls kept breaking and the submit button disappeared. In order to fix this I have replaced the poll widgets with direct links to the polls. Feel free to just follow them and cast your votes that way. Apologies, I'll look into a better voting system than 'Pollcode' next time.
The polls kept breaking and the submit button disappeared. In order to fix this I have replaced the poll widgets with direct links to the polls. Feel free to just follow them and cast your votes that way. Apologies, I'll look into a better voting system than 'Pollcode' next time.
We need to vote in a new regular story and a new one-off special. I've thrown out some ideas here onto the polls. Feel free to vote for your favourite.
Regular Story
"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world, but lose your own soul?" - The Bible
Renate lives the perfect life in a small hamlet far from the aggression of monsters and fundamentalism of the church. Her husband is an aspiring wizard rising in the ranks of the mages. Life was wondeful; until she lost it all.
This story will feature a corruption mechanic which you will have to balance as you go on your quest.
Justice Rising (Superheroine, Plot, Set in the same world as Becky Sparks and Scarlet Dagger)
“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” - Oscar Wilde
The Council of Superheros are worried. They have lost contact with Becky Sparks and the Scarlet Dagger. Unfortunately they were stretched thin; so it would have to be a new recruit leading the investigation...
This story will be similar to Scarlet Dagger where you go through your day fighting crime, living, conducting an investigation etc.
The Council of Superheros are worried. They have lost contact with Becky Sparks and the Scarlet Dagger. Unfortunately they were stretched thin; so it would have to be a new recruit leading the investigation...
This story will be similar to Scarlet Dagger where you go through your day fighting crime, living, conducting an investigation etc.
There's Too Many To Catch! (Parody of Pok*m*n, Plot, Battle-sex/Sexfight)
"..." - Red and Blue.
P*****n is getting a reboot on Onyxstories! Battle other trainers and grow your collection! Just remember the new rules - All attacks are made against the opposing trainer, and the first trainer to climax loses!
Hegemony: Cold War (Political, Non-erotic)
"Political power comes from the barrel of a gun." - Mao Zedong
We will continue with Hegemony: Cold War for a couple of sessions, guiding the USA through the tumultuous 60's.
One Off Special
Containment Policy Alpha (Part of the Alien wars series, Lose if orgasm)
There has been a breach at research station 717 during an examination of captured aliens. Your squad has been sent in to clean up the mess. Good luck soldiers!
Vivian James' Video Game Nightmare (Virtual Reality, Lose if orgasm)
Taking a break from the Gamergate scandal, Vivian James decides to try out a new console - the Xboner. It's the latest in virtual reality...
Hegemony: Cold War (Political, Non-erotic)
"Political power comes from the barrel of a gun." - Mao Zedong
We will continue with Hegemony: Cold War for a single evening, guiding the USA through the tumultuous 60's.
Vote in the poll for the One-off specials here. See you next storytiem, and Happy Fapping!
"Help! My suggestion isn't on the list!"
If you can't see the idea that you submitted on here it is because I thought it would be better as a Respect story. However, Respect has been played 4 times in a row we are now taking a break for a different game type. Your ideas will be up for voting next round.
"When will next storytiem be?"
I don't know yet. Maybe Wednesday or Friday.
"Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?"
Vote in the poll for the One-off specials here. See you next storytiem, and Happy Fapping!
"Help! My suggestion isn't on the list!"
If you can't see the idea that you submitted on here it is because I thought it would be better as a Respect story. However, Respect has been played 4 times in a row we are now taking a break for a different game type. Your ideas will be up for voting next round.
"When will next storytiem be?"
I don't know yet. Maybe Wednesday or Friday.
"Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?"
Saturday, 8 November 2014
The Great Reformation!
After some advice from a very kind Anon I've taken some steps to reform my website and the way we do storytiem. I will break down these updates into two sections, website and stories.
On the Website:
-Disqus has now been implemented, enabling you to leave entirely anonymous comments without having to sign in.
-I am examining different ways to host the stories, rather than Google Docs.
-Finally, I am looking at better sites than Blogspot.
On Stories
In the past there have been a lot of stories which haven't been given a proper ending. I am currently going through these to tie up loose ends. This will take some time to finish though.
In order to prevent more loose ends happening in future I am going to implement a maximum of three stories ongoing at any one time. These will be:
a.) The Flagship Story
This will be an extremely long story that runs indefinitely. When we vote for the flagship story it will gain the top place for a period of 2 months; at the end of which you will have the opportunity to vote in another story to be the flagship. A flagship story can never hold two consecutive terms. Examples of stories that are good for this are the Bogwarts story or Nicky's School Days.
b.) The Regular Story
This is a medium length story that can be played over 2-3 eight hour sessions. Think of it like the Siege of Sengraria series. A new regular story will be voted in whenever the old one finishes; or you can choose to extend it by another term, but only once.
c.) The One-off Special
These stories are a one-off special. Kind of like the original horror stories I used to write. Every time it finishes we will vote in a new one. The One-off special allows people to suggest their own ideas in the Disqus comments, which will be added to the voting options.
Finally, I am going to attempt to announce storytiem at least three days in advance, and host more often on weekends.
So, comments and questions are now open with the Disqus; give me a hand and try it out, let me know if it's working for you ok.
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
On the Website:
-Disqus has now been implemented, enabling you to leave entirely anonymous comments without having to sign in.
-I am examining different ways to host the stories, rather than Google Docs.
-Finally, I am looking at better sites than Blogspot.
On Stories
In the past there have been a lot of stories which haven't been given a proper ending. I am currently going through these to tie up loose ends. This will take some time to finish though.
In order to prevent more loose ends happening in future I am going to implement a maximum of three stories ongoing at any one time. These will be:
a.) The Flagship Story
This will be an extremely long story that runs indefinitely. When we vote for the flagship story it will gain the top place for a period of 2 months; at the end of which you will have the opportunity to vote in another story to be the flagship. A flagship story can never hold two consecutive terms. Examples of stories that are good for this are the Bogwarts story or Nicky's School Days.
b.) The Regular Story
This is a medium length story that can be played over 2-3 eight hour sessions. Think of it like the Siege of Sengraria series. A new regular story will be voted in whenever the old one finishes; or you can choose to extend it by another term, but only once.
c.) The One-off Special
These stories are a one-off special. Kind of like the original horror stories I used to write. Every time it finishes we will vote in a new one. The One-off special allows people to suggest their own ideas in the Disqus comments, which will be added to the voting options.
Finally, I am going to attempt to announce storytiem at least three days in advance, and host more often on weekends.
So, comments and questions are now open with the Disqus; give me a hand and try it out, let me know if it's working for you ok.
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
Friday, 7 November 2014
Bogwarts wins again! But it won't be on the voting list next time, and here's why...
Bogwarts wins with 59% of the popular vote. This marks the third time in a row that Bogwarts has won. So congratulations to Bogwarts! It will be played on Sunday, starting between 9:30pm and 10:30pm GMT
Given than 41% of people voted for other choices time, and 40% voted for other choices the time before I have decided to put consecutive 'term limits' on games and game types. This means that a game will never be played more than twice in a row before something else must be played, and a game type will never be played more than three times in a row. (Game types are defined as Monsters vs Girls, Regular Storytiem, Respect games, and a new secret game type that I have almost finished developing.)
My reasons for doing this are:
Onyx xx
Given than 41% of people voted for other choices time, and 40% voted for other choices the time before I have decided to put consecutive 'term limits' on games and game types. This means that a game will never be played more than twice in a row before something else must be played, and a game type will never be played more than three times in a row. (Game types are defined as Monsters vs Girls, Regular Storytiem, Respect games, and a new secret game type that I have almost finished developing.)
My reasons for doing this are:
- To prevent staleness and ensure fresh varied content is produced.
- To ensure that there is not a large minority, perpetually relegated to the decisions of a slim majority.
- To give me time to formulate new ideas.
In light of this the next poll will not include any Respect stories.
I never expected the Respect stories to grow as popular as they have. Average traffic to my blog has increased threefold since I designed this game type. The downside was that voting was no longer close like it used to be. Hopefully these limitations will ensure the continued survival of other game types.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Thanks for playing!
So... one of the top ways people find my blog now is no longer "Dwarf female erotic porn" but "Bogwarts jizzardry."
I guess that's marginally better.
Here's the options for the story on Sunday 9th November. Choose wisely.
*Spoilers follow!
If you would rather not have the story spoiled then just go straight to the document here:
*Spoilers below!
Good game everyone!
I didn't expect the incursion into the Pyramids to go that well!
I think adding reasons to leave the school works well, as it actually gives you an incentive to learn useful and combat spells, rather than just the humiliation/trick spells used within the school itself.
You now have someone who trusts you, although is not explicitly your friend. But hopefully you can build upon that.
Also; that was an insane amount of trips and quads we rolled tonight. I reckon it was probably because we were the busiest post on /b/ for 80% of the night.
So, Happy Fapping, and enjoy the story:
As always, please consider supporting my work on
We're halfway to getting audiobooks recorded!
Onyx xx
I guess that's marginally better.
Here's the options for the story on Sunday 9th November. Choose wisely.
*Spoilers follow!
If you would rather not have the story spoiled then just go straight to the document here:
*Spoilers below!
Good game everyone!
I didn't expect the incursion into the Pyramids to go that well!
I think adding reasons to leave the school works well, as it actually gives you an incentive to learn useful and combat spells, rather than just the humiliation/trick spells used within the school itself.
You now have someone who trusts you, although is not explicitly your friend. But hopefully you can build upon that.
Also; that was an insane amount of trips and quads we rolled tonight. I reckon it was probably because we were the busiest post on /b/ for 80% of the night.
So, Happy Fapping, and enjoy the story:
As always, please consider supporting my work on
We're halfway to getting audiobooks recorded!
Onyx xx
We're online! Storytiem is go!
People who have trouble making the TinyURL work can view the (89 page!) story here:]
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6
Part 8]
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6
Part 8
Posting troubles
It's been telling me for the past 25 minutes that I must wait longer before posting a new thread. I'm working on getting this sorted, hang in there.
I'm working on fixing this. Storytiem will be online ASAP.
I'm working on fixing this. Storytiem will be online ASAP.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Bogwarts Continuing on Wednesday and the 5 Big Updates!
We are still on for 9:30pm tonight. But there is a good chance that I'll be running late; just a few real life things to sort out. Storytiem may not begin until 10:30pm- but that will be the ABSOLUTE latest. Rest assured, I will try to be online as soon as I can, and there will definitely be storytiem tonight.
Onyx xx
I have some time on Wednesday night to continue Bogwarts. We'll begin around 9:30pm GMT and continue til 2-3am. This will be the first story I'm accepting donations for on the Patreon. There are only two free slots at the $5 pledge level left where you can request monsters/scenarios to appear once per month. If this is something that would interest you, or you just want to support storytiem, I would strongly recommend this!
Class 1
Staying with a society for a long time will allow you to stand for election to the Society's board as a Chancellor, Vice President, or President. Controlling a society puts you in a very powerful position.
We are still on for 9:30pm tonight. But there is a good chance that I'll be running late; just a few real life things to sort out. Storytiem may not begin until 10:30pm- but that will be the ABSOLUTE latest. Rest assured, I will try to be online as soon as I can, and there will definitely be storytiem tonight.
Onyx xx
I have some time on Wednesday night to continue Bogwarts. We'll begin around 9:30pm GMT and continue til 2-3am. This will be the first story I'm accepting donations for on the Patreon. There are only two free slots at the $5 pledge level left where you can request monsters/scenarios to appear once per month. If this is something that would interest you, or you just want to support storytiem, I would strongly recommend this!
I am also implementing three new features, and expanding two old features. But before we begin I'm going to explain how time works, since I've received a few emails asking me about this.
Explanation of How Time Works
Days 1-5 are typical school days and involve four phases:
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Free Time/Society
Of course, you are always able to skip class every now and then if something more important comes up.
Every 6th and 7th day however are the weekend, and have no classes. They have four timeslots, just like weekdays, but you are not forced to attend classes.
During these days you are free to work, socialise, and explore the castle.
During these days you are free to work, socialise, and explore the castle.
1. More Clubs and Societies to Join!
I have created around 10 new societies that you can join at Bogwarts. You will be able to see a list of these new societies tomorrow as a Freshers' Fair will be held in the Great Hall. Participating in these will improve your various skills, making rolls in these areas easier. You will be able to join two societies at a time. At the minute you are a member of the Duelling Club, but you can always quit it.Staying with a society for a long time will allow you to stand for election to the Society's board as a Chancellor, Vice President, or President. Controlling a society puts you in a very powerful position.
2. New Subjects!
Divination - Predict the future with tea leaves! Maybe... This subject could show you the future. Or it could show you what a dirty cup looks like.
Theories of Contemporary Magic - This is a subsidiary class. You will need to take a few of these lessons to learn more advanced spells than Cilletbangio or Swishy-flick.
Bio-herbology - In this class you will have the opportunity to learn about the benefits, and dangers, of magical plants and viney tentacles.
3. School trips!
I have planned rules for being able to leave the school on various trips. These include expeditions to the Pyramids for History of Magic, and visits to haunted houses for Defence Against Dark Things. I will be adding more locations later. You will have to pay your school a modest fee to be able to go on these trips, however you will gain bonuses to learning in the related subject, as well as have a good chance to find loot!
These school trips will be played in a traditional storytiem manner where climaxing can make you lose. Everytime something makes you climax you will have to roll a 'give in' test. This will start out being very easy to pass, but will get much harder with each successive orgasm you are forced to endure.
If you fail a 'give in' test you will get a rape scene until your classmates/professors rescue you. The school trip will then end and you will likely lose a lot of respect, as well as any items you found.
4. Status Effects!
I'm adding status effects to the game now. These can have positive and negative effects upon Hermione. A few examples include:
-In heat: Something has put Hermione into heat. Her horniness will raise by 10% each class.
-In heat: Something has put Hermione into heat. Her horniness will raise by 10% each class.
-Blinded: Hermione can't see. You suffer a 30% penalty to combat and agility rolls.
-Focused: Hermione is completely focused. She gains a 10% bonus to learning new spells and a 15% bonus to magic tests.
5. Sneak out!
Previously I had limited the game to Bogwarts; but no longer! If you want to sneak out to Edinburgh's Magical District, or go exploring the Dark Forest, or even take a holiday to Paris you can! (If you can afford it... and can avoid being caught.)
As always, please consider supporting my work on When I reach the $50 mark work will begin on the audiobooks.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Let me know what you think of these ideas in the comments, or via email. ( I want to make this game as enjoyable for everyone as I can. If there's anything you think could be added let me know. Do the days last long enough? Are they too quick? Too much sex? Not enough?As always, please consider supporting my work on When I reach the $50 mark work will begin on the audiobooks.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Good game tonight!
Thanks everyone for playing!
The Bogwarts Viewing Document has been updated again, and there is also a short gallery story too for you to enjoy.
In addition to this I am now accepting donations from as little as $1 for each story I write. There are several goals I am trying to build up to which you can see at the link here:
If you appreciate my work and want to give a little each month then feel free to donate a tiny bit to help this perverted author write more lewd stories for the masses.
Here is the link to the Bogwarts Viewing Doc:
And the Gallery Story:
As always,
Happy Fapping and please consider donating a tiny bit!
Onyx xx
The Bogwarts Viewing Document has been updated again, and there is also a short gallery story too for you to enjoy.
In addition to this I am now accepting donations from as little as $1 for each story I write. There are several goals I am trying to build up to which you can see at the link here:
If you appreciate my work and want to give a little each month then feel free to donate a tiny bit to help this perverted author write more lewd stories for the masses.
Here is the link to the Bogwarts Viewing Doc:
And the Gallery Story:
As always,
Happy Fapping and please consider donating a tiny bit!
Onyx xx
Storytiem is go!
Part 4
Part 3
Very sorry about the delay.
We are up now though!
Part 3
Very sorry about the delay.
We are up now though!
I'm almost back
Ok, I was informed I could log back in and post in 22 minutes.
Storytiem in 22 minutes.
Storytiem in 22 minutes.
Banned from /b/
My IP address has been banned from /b/. I'm working on getting a new one.
Hold on 2 minutes.
Sorry about this.
Hermione wins the poll by a landslide; 2nd part tonight! (Sunday 2nd November)
The story will take place at 11:15pm. A couple of things have come up delaying me.
Hermione won the poll with over 60% of the votes in a very short space of time.
Given that I don't have work tomorrow I figured I may as well host the next part tonight. So, at 11pm GMT I will be hosting part 2 of Bogwarts School of Bitchcraft and Jizzardry.
We will be starting out exactly where we left off; heading to our next class, and then maybe meeting with the Ravenbaww housemates to formulate a plan for revenge.
See you all then!
The story will take place at 11:15pm. A couple of things have come up delaying me.
Hermione won the poll with over 60% of the votes in a very short space of time.
Given that I don't have work tomorrow I figured I may as well host the next part tonight. So, at 11pm GMT I will be hosting part 2 of Bogwarts School of Bitchcraft and Jizzardry.
We will be starting out exactly where we left off; heading to our next class, and then maybe meeting with the Ravenbaww housemates to formulate a plan for revenge.
See you all then!
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Hermione story viewing Doc
Enjoy guys!
Storytiem is up! It's Hermione time!
This summary is not available. Please
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H*rmione Storytiem Tonight!
We're diving into the Magical School of Bogwarts Bitchcraft and Jizzardry tonight. Monsters, magic, and humiliation lurk in every dark corner of the castle.
The story will begin at 10:30pm GMT on /b/ as usual.
This is gonna be a good one,
Happy Fapping,
The story will begin at 10:30pm GMT on /b/ as usual.
This is gonna be a good one,
Happy Fapping,
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
On the issues of rape and age; Then a short game review!
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Voting is now closed! We have a winrar...
With 111 votes cast in about 24 hours the final results are:
H*rmione Respect Game: 32%
The Dragonborn Cums: 28%
Scarlet Dagger: 24%
Monsters vs Girls: 16%
The Respect game is the winner!
I am going to start planning out the story, and I'll try to tell it on Sunday night at 10pm GMT.
Magical duels, potions classes, and a castle filled with secret passages await you.
Until then, happy fapping,
Onyx xx
EDIT: This is also the 100th blog post, so here's to 100 more!
H*rmione Respect Game: 32%
The Dragonborn Cums: 28%
Scarlet Dagger: 24%
Monsters vs Girls: 16%
The Respect game is the winner!
I am going to start planning out the story, and I'll try to tell it on Sunday night at 10pm GMT.
Magical duels, potions classes, and a castle filled with secret passages await you.
Until then, happy fapping,
Onyx xx
EDIT: This is also the 100th blog post, so here's to 100 more!
Monday, 27 October 2014
Poll for next story!
Hi everyone,
I'm gonna take a (very short) break from the Nicky School Days story and write something else. What that 'something else' actually is, is for you to decide. I've put up a poll with a few suggestions, but as always, feel free to leave comments.
I've put a wide range of possibilities up, so hopefully everyone will see at least something they want to play.
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
I'm gonna take a (very short) break from the Nicky School Days story and write something else. What that 'something else' actually is, is for you to decide. I've put up a poll with a few suggestions, but as always, feel free to leave comments.
I've put a wide range of possibilities up, so hopefully everyone will see at least something they want to play.
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
Sunday, 26 October 2014
It's not smut, but you might enjoy it!
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Friday, 24 October 2014
Storytiem at 22:40!
We're continuing with our third session of Nicky's Respect in an hour. See you then!
Official start time is 22:40 GMT! See you then!
Official start time is 22:40 GMT! See you then!
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Nicky's Respect Wins!
Change of plan, I'm going to host the story on Friday night.
-We always get twice as many people involved on the weekends.
-Wednesday/Thursday are always the most unpopular days when I've put up polls.
-I really want this Nicky story to continue to be a success, and in order for it to be so, it needs to have a crowd that are big enough to make plans/come up with their own ideas for what direction to go.
See you all on Friday at the previously stated time! :)
The final vote stands at 41 for Nicky's Respect, and 31 for the Magical School Respect Story.
I'm gonna host the next part of the story tonight at 10:30pm GMT and continue until 2:30am.
Just a quick reminder that we left off heading to the gamer's LAN society after hacking into Gabriella's PC and finding a pornographic video of a woman which may or may not be her.
See you tonight,
Change of plan, I'm going to host the story on Friday night.
-We always get twice as many people involved on the weekends.
-Wednesday/Thursday are always the most unpopular days when I've put up polls.
-I really want this Nicky story to continue to be a success, and in order for it to be so, it needs to have a crowd that are big enough to make plans/come up with their own ideas for what direction to go.
See you all on Friday at the previously stated time! :)
The final vote stands at 41 for Nicky's Respect, and 31 for the Magical School Respect Story.
I'm gonna host the next part of the story tonight at 10:30pm GMT and continue until 2:30am.
Just a quick reminder that we left off heading to the gamer's LAN society after hacking into Gabriella's PC and finding a pornographic video of a woman which may or may not be her.
See you tonight,
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
The Lost and Forgotten Stories
Before I started writing in Google Docs, I used to save stories in draft emails. I thought I had found and uploaded most of them, but I discovered three of my earliest stories saved in the drafts of my real email.
Given that they are from my earlier works they aren't particularly good or long, but for the sake of completeness I'll upload them.
Onyxdime Proudly Presents:
-Emma Hawtson and the School of Bitchcraft and Jizzardry
Onyxdime Proudly Presents:
-Emma Hawtson and the School of Bitchcraft and Jizzardry
-Lauren Dubois' Tale (Unfinished)
The third story, Officer Abigail, is scattered across 40 different draft emails and isn't in order. It'll take some time to fix it, so I'll see what I can do to sort things out.
Storytiem will be held on Wednesday night. I was originally going to continue with our long-running series of Nicky's Respect, but since finding the parody of H*rry P*tter I think it might be interesting to start a second Respect game set in that universe.
If we do start a second Respect game I will NOT be abandoning the first one, they will run side by side until both games are finished.
I'm throwing a poll up to see what you guys/girls/delicious traps think.
Onyx xx
If we do start a second Respect game I will NOT be abandoning the first one, they will run side by side until both games are finished.
I'm throwing a poll up to see what you guys/girls/delicious traps think.
Onyx xx
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Nicky's Respect has been updated!
Whenever I write the next part of Nicky's Respect story I will automatically append it to the Google Doc already on the "Real World Stories and Respect Games" page.
Last night was pretty rough, but there are a couple of silver linings. Your respect is now so low that you are considered a slut by almost everyone in the school. It also means the clothing you have access to in the morning will be much more revealing and lacking protection.
For those of you who missed last night's continuation of the Nicky story you can read it here:
Spoilers below!
Spoilers below!
Last night was pretty rough, but there are a couple of silver linings. Your respect is now so low that you are considered a slut by almost everyone in the school. It also means the clothing you have access to in the morning will be much more revealing and lacking protection.
However, you have got a plan in motion to get revenge on Gabriella, and you have made some fairly strong allies among the nerds and gamers. As long as you can establish yourself as a leader of them, and not a fucktoy for them things could very quickly turn in your favour.
You also have Julie as a possible ally; she seems willing to help you, but at other times distant. The two of you may just need to get to know each other better.
You also have Julie as a possible ally; she seems willing to help you, but at other times distant. The two of you may just need to get to know each other better.
Spoilers end!
I'm going to try and host the next storytiem around Wednesday, Thursday or Friday night. I'm unfortunately away this weekend.
I'm going to try and host the next storytiem around Wednesday, Thursday or Friday night. I'm unfortunately away this weekend.
See you then,
Onyx xx
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Monday, 13 October 2014
Technical Difficulties
Sorry for the disappearance; some RAM in my computer decided to go bad and it was shutting down sporadically. I was hoping to have it back from repair on Sunday evening, but it turns out the repair shop doesn't even open on Sundays. (Hooray for British culture against Sunday shopping!)
So, now that the computer is back (with a new graphics card as well!) I will attempt to host storytiem on Wednesday night at 10pm GMT.
So, now that the computer is back (with a new graphics card as well!) I will attempt to host storytiem on Wednesday night at 10pm GMT.
Sorry again, but we're back online now and hopefully gonna stay that way.
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
Friday, 10 October 2014
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Storytiem Friday Night
Storytiem will now take place at 11pm GMT instead of 10pm.
I'm going to take tonight to work on the Siege of Sengraria book.
I'll host the next part of the Respect story on /b/ tomorrow evening at 11pm GMT.
Let's see if you guys can recover from the awful end last game,
Onyx xx
Storytiem will now take place at 11pm GMT instead of 10pm.
I'm going to take tonight to work on the Siege of Sengraria book.
I'll host the next part of the Respect story on /b/ tomorrow evening at 11pm GMT.
Let's see if you guys can recover from the awful end last game,
Onyx xx
Monday, 6 October 2014
The Siege of Sengraria is Popular/Publishing a Book Series/Storytiem on Wednesday!
I decided to check over some of my blog's stats today, page views and stuff like that.
Normally when I tell a story on /b/ I jump to 1000 viewers per day, then it usually drops back to 200 or so viewers per day after a week. However, about a month ago there was a massive jump in the number of readers that has sustained. I'm now sitting on about 1350 viewers per day, jumping to over 2000 when I tell a story.
After doing some more examination into where readers are coming from I discovered that this spike happened after I finished writing 'The Siege of Sengraria' and it's sequel, 'The Purge of Sengraria.' Furthermore, one of the most frequent ways my blog is found is by people googling variations of 'Sengraria story.'
In light of this I am going to expand the Siege and Purge of Sengraria into two complete stories to be sold on somewhere like Amazon or perhaps as a PDF directly from my blog. The rewrite will add new scenes, characters, develop characterization and relationships, explain what happens between the Siege and the Purge storylines, and hopefully be better written than the original.
I will NOT be removing the old stories from my blog, they will remain free for everyone to read. These two new stories will be for readers who enjoyed the Sengraria stories and want to know more about the world and characters.
The average erotic story being sold on Amazon is between 2500 and 5000 words. To put things in perspective the Sengraria stories were 12'000 words each. (About 11'000 after you take away the character stats and inventory). I am hoping to sell these stories for about £7 on sites like Barnes and Nobel or Amazon, however, I will try to add a direct way to buy on my blog for about £5.
If any of you guys/girls/traps have any comments, questions or suggestions feel free to let me know.
I'll see you guys on Wednesday evening for another story on /b/!
We'll be continuing the Respect story with Nicky. She's just been completely humiliated in front of the school's elite, so things won't be easy to recover from that!
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Normally when I tell a story on /b/ I jump to 1000 viewers per day, then it usually drops back to 200 or so viewers per day after a week. However, about a month ago there was a massive jump in the number of readers that has sustained. I'm now sitting on about 1350 viewers per day, jumping to over 2000 when I tell a story.
After doing some more examination into where readers are coming from I discovered that this spike happened after I finished writing 'The Siege of Sengraria' and it's sequel, 'The Purge of Sengraria.' Furthermore, one of the most frequent ways my blog is found is by people googling variations of 'Sengraria story.'
In light of this I am going to expand the Siege and Purge of Sengraria into two complete stories to be sold on somewhere like Amazon or perhaps as a PDF directly from my blog. The rewrite will add new scenes, characters, develop characterization and relationships, explain what happens between the Siege and the Purge storylines, and hopefully be better written than the original.
I will NOT be removing the old stories from my blog, they will remain free for everyone to read. These two new stories will be for readers who enjoyed the Sengraria stories and want to know more about the world and characters.
The average erotic story being sold on Amazon is between 2500 and 5000 words. To put things in perspective the Sengraria stories were 12'000 words each. (About 11'000 after you take away the character stats and inventory). I am hoping to sell these stories for about £7 on sites like Barnes and Nobel or Amazon, however, I will try to add a direct way to buy on my blog for about £5.
If any of you guys/girls/traps have any comments, questions or suggestions feel free to let me know.
I'll see you guys on Wednesday evening for another story on /b/!
We'll be continuing the Respect story with Nicky. She's just been completely humiliated in front of the school's elite, so things won't be easy to recover from that!
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Onyxdime Proudly Presents, 'Come Hell or High Water'
Storytiem is beginning in three hours, at 10pm GMT.
Tonight you will be playing as Gina and Tom Knox, a pair of twins who have each been given a state room on the four star cruise liner, Ocean's Splendor. It has been three days since they set sail, visiting Algiers and Tunisia, partying hard in the evenings, and enjoying the finest food Europe has to offer. Now night is falling on the fourth day and the pair split off to their separate rooms.
On a ship carrying 1'800 passengers and 600 crew, what could possibly go wrong?
Friday, 3 October 2014
Storytiem tomorrow night!
I'll be hosting an erotic-horror story on Saturday night, starting at 10pm GMT and going on until you either win or lose.
We haven't done a horror story in a while, but I'm going to try and make it unique, stepping away from haunted castles and mansions.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
We haven't done a horror story in a while, but I'm going to try and make it unique, stepping away from haunted castles and mansions.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Storytiem tonight and progress update!
Storytiem will be held tonight at 10pm GMT.
We will be continuing the sci-fi story of the soldiers fighting against the alien invasion.
Currently I'm working on finishing the gallery stories for the Purge of Sengraria story, hopefully they will be finished by next week.
Finally, I know there are three unfinished stories currently on the blog. I'm going to complete them over the coming weeks.
-The Respect story set in the school will be finished this month.
-The Holiday story will be finished sometime in November.
I will also try to go back to writing some more superheroine stuff too.
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
We will be continuing the sci-fi story of the soldiers fighting against the alien invasion.
Currently I'm working on finishing the gallery stories for the Purge of Sengraria story, hopefully they will be finished by next week.
Finally, I know there are three unfinished stories currently on the blog. I'm going to complete them over the coming weeks.
-The Respect story set in the school will be finished this month.
-The Holiday story will be finished sometime in November.
I will also try to go back to writing some more superheroine stuff too.
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Link to viewing doc for the Holiday Story
Saturday, 20 September 2014
Friday, 19 September 2014
Poll for Sengrarian Gallery Stories up!
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click here to view the post.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Nicky's 'Respect' Story is up!
You can find it at the google doc here:
Happy fapping!
Onyx xx
Happy fapping!
Onyx xx
A New Type of Game!
Hey everyone!
I've just had an idea for a new type of game which I've started working on, called, "Respect."
The story will be set in a high-school for a period of 14 days until the end of term. During this time you have to try and garner respect, getting in with the cool crowd, and enhancing your reputation.
However, doing so means putting yourself at risk.
If you dress conservatively you aren't going to be bothered by any guys. On the other hand, you aren't going to be seen as cool either.
If you choose to dress in a mini-skirt and belly top though, you'll have a much better chance of getting in with groups like the cheerleaders. But guys may view you as a slut; catcalling, leering, groping, or even worse as you walk by in the corridors.
Not everything will be in the players control. People do stuff that is stupid, and the downfall of role playing games is that players generally know what is best for their character, even if they wouldn't do the same thing in real life. To reflect this, your character will have a mood that changes on a daily basis.
How will mood affect gameplay?
You know that really hot guy that keeps pestering you for a photo of you in your underwear? Well, you're feeling a bit down today, and he's been saying such sweet things to you. Besides! He promised he'd keep the photo just for himself! What could go wrong?
Or maybe you're at a party on the weekend and you're feeling a bit adventurous. Maybe you'll get roped into a game of truth or dare.
I'm writing rules at the minute, and might host a trial game tonight depending on how things look!
Ideas and feedback are always appreciated!
Onyx xx
I've just had an idea for a new type of game which I've started working on, called, "Respect."
The story will be set in a high-school for a period of 14 days until the end of term. During this time you have to try and garner respect, getting in with the cool crowd, and enhancing your reputation.
However, doing so means putting yourself at risk.
If you dress conservatively you aren't going to be bothered by any guys. On the other hand, you aren't going to be seen as cool either.
If you choose to dress in a mini-skirt and belly top though, you'll have a much better chance of getting in with groups like the cheerleaders. But guys may view you as a slut; catcalling, leering, groping, or even worse as you walk by in the corridors.
Not everything will be in the players control. People do stuff that is stupid, and the downfall of role playing games is that players generally know what is best for their character, even if they wouldn't do the same thing in real life. To reflect this, your character will have a mood that changes on a daily basis.
How will mood affect gameplay?
You know that really hot guy that keeps pestering you for a photo of you in your underwear? Well, you're feeling a bit down today, and he's been saying such sweet things to you. Besides! He promised he'd keep the photo just for himself! What could go wrong?
Or maybe you're at a party on the weekend and you're feeling a bit adventurous. Maybe you'll get roped into a game of truth or dare.
I'm writing rules at the minute, and might host a trial game tonight depending on how things look!
Ideas and feedback are always appreciated!
Onyx xx
Saturday, 13 September 2014
The Final Story
The Anniversary Story is done!
I'll put up a poll for the galleries tomorrow, but for the meantime, Happy Fapping.
Onyx xx
I'll put up a poll for the galleries tomorrow, but for the meantime, Happy Fapping.
Onyx xx
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Game up now!
Sorry for the delay,
4chan's catalog page wasn't refreshing and I was having trouble making posts without them getting pruned instantly. It looks like we're up now though.
4chan's catalog page wasn't refreshing and I was having trouble making posts without them getting pruned instantly. It looks like we're up now though.
Extra Story Tonight! And new section!
Hey everyone,
I got a bit of free time this evening, so I decided to host a story on /b/ tonight to get back into the swing of things before I host the anniversary story on Saturday.
The story will probably start in about an hour. Keep an eye on the blog and twitter.
General updates:
I also created a new Erotic Sci-fi section for futuristic stories and updated it with the Fall of Sicarus IV.
The Siege of Sengraria was also added to the Erotic Fantasy section.
Onyx xx
I got a bit of free time this evening, so I decided to host a story on /b/ tonight to get back into the swing of things before I host the anniversary story on Saturday.
The story will probably start in about an hour. Keep an eye on the blog and twitter.
General updates:
I also created a new Erotic Sci-fi section for futuristic stories and updated it with the Fall of Sicarus IV.
The Siege of Sengraria was also added to the Erotic Fantasy section.
Onyx xx
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Anniversary Story Date Chosen!
The Anniversary Story will be held on Saturday 13th, at 10pm GMT.
Sengraria is a lawless land now. The siege destroyed any stability that existed in the region.
With Princess Adriana's human army lying in tatters the demons were granted extended privileges to remain in the human world and amnesty from the Holy Magisterial Church, in exchange for acting as the protectors of Sengraria during the reconstruction.
In this story you will be playing as the sexy half-elf, Darzira, in her quest to rob the abandoned wealthy castles and churches that lie empty following the siege of Sengraria. You will stalk through the ruins and burnt buildings, trying to elude the attention of the remaining monsters and patrolling demons to gather as much wealth as you can.
I do not own the image above, it was found on Google Images, all credit goes to the artist for their amazing drawing. If it is yours, I will happily remove it.
See you all on Saturday,
Onyx xx
Sengraria is a lawless land now. The siege destroyed any stability that existed in the region.
With Princess Adriana's human army lying in tatters the demons were granted extended privileges to remain in the human world and amnesty from the Holy Magisterial Church, in exchange for acting as the protectors of Sengraria during the reconstruction.
In this story you will be playing as the sexy half-elf, Darzira, in her quest to rob the abandoned wealthy castles and churches that lie empty following the siege of Sengraria. You will stalk through the ruins and burnt buildings, trying to elude the attention of the remaining monsters and patrolling demons to gather as much wealth as you can.

See you all on Saturday,
Onyx xx
Thursday, 4 September 2014
What day shall we do the one year anniversary story?
Hey everyone,
I've spent hours writing out a good plot for the anniversary story. I've decided it is going to be a fantasy story set in the same world as Sengraria.
This is going to be a really epic story; I've even impressed myself with the plot ideas I've come up with!
Just let me know which of the following day(s) work best for you. Whichever is most popular is the day I will host the story.
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
I've spent hours writing out a good plot for the anniversary story. I've decided it is going to be a fantasy story set in the same world as Sengraria.
This is going to be a really epic story; I've even impressed myself with the plot ideas I've come up with!
Just let me know which of the following day(s) work best for you. Whichever is most popular is the day I will host the story.
Happy fapping,
Onyx xx
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Fantasy Dungeon Crawler!
I'm investing in the Dungeon Saga kickstarter to use in future storytiems.
A mere $100 gets me:
-loads of dungeon tiles
-8 Heroes to use (3 of which are female)
-Well over 50 monsters from Undead, Orc, and Demon themes.
-Some 3D props to bring the dungeon to life.
Once I get this I will be hosting stories about adventurers delving into the dungeons and catacombs surrounding the city of Sengraria. I can take a picture of the dungeon each round to give you a better idea of how the map is looking.
You can check out the contents of the kickstarter deal here:
I'm also thinking of grabbing the $25 'Infernal Crypts' addon for even more monster models and demonic themed tiles.
Unfortunately it won't be released until August 2015, but good things come to those who wait! And hopefully storytiem will still be going by then.
Onyx xx
A mere $100 gets me:
-loads of dungeon tiles
-8 Heroes to use (3 of which are female)
-Well over 50 monsters from Undead, Orc, and Demon themes.
-Some 3D props to bring the dungeon to life.
Once I get this I will be hosting stories about adventurers delving into the dungeons and catacombs surrounding the city of Sengraria. I can take a picture of the dungeon each round to give you a better idea of how the map is looking.
You can check out the contents of the kickstarter deal here:
I'm also thinking of grabbing the $25 'Infernal Crypts' addon for even more monster models and demonic themed tiles.
Unfortunately it won't be released until August 2015, but good things come to those who wait! And hopefully storytiem will still be going by then.
Onyx xx
Thursday, 28 August 2014
It's Storytiem Jim, But Not As We Know It...
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click here to view the post.
Another Erotic Game Author! Storytiem Tomorrow!
I'm pleased to announce that another person is planning to host erotic RPG's on /b/!
They have just finished setting up their website and twitter accounts, and their first story is planned for midnight GMT, on the 28th/29th
If you follow EPRGstories on Twitter they should announce when their story is beginning.
Best of luck to this new author!
They have just finished setting up their website and twitter accounts, and their first story is planned for midnight GMT, on the 28th/29th
If you follow EPRGstories on Twitter they should announce when their story is beginning.
Best of luck to this new author!
Monday, 25 August 2014
Happy Birthday! Storytiem is 1 year old today!
Precisely one year ago today I sat at my computer and wrote out my first ever CYOA erotic story on 4Chan. It was a simple story about a girl named Jessie on the Southern coast of France and the haunted chateau her friend was letting her stay in.
The anons didn't last too long and poor Jessie was quickly violated by shadow monsters and fucked by an eager vampire.
The response I received was pretty good and everyone seemed to enjoy it. So I began hosting regular storytiems on /b/ and a few other places.
Since I began one year ago there have been 27 stories written on /b/, averaging between 6'000 and 12'000 words each. If we take a middle estimate of 9'000 words per story and multiply it by the 27 stories written so far we get a (very) rough estimate of 243'000 words written.
This is the same as:
-Three copies of the Hobbit
-The first three Harry Potter books combined. (And roughly the same length as the Order of the Pheonix)
-Eight copies of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
-40% of Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.
-Two copies of The Return of the King.
I would like to say a huge thank you to all my readers over the past year who have collectively viewed my stories over 127'000 times, and participated in the games I have hosted on /b/.
I'll be hosting a special 1 year anniversary story on 4Chan in early September, keep an eye out for an exact date.
Here's to another great year!
And, as always, happy fapping!
Onyx xx
Since I began one year ago there have been 27 stories written on /b/, averaging between 6'000 and 12'000 words each. If we take a middle estimate of 9'000 words per story and multiply it by the 27 stories written so far we get a (very) rough estimate of 243'000 words written.
This is the same as:
-Three copies of the Hobbit
-The first three Harry Potter books combined. (And roughly the same length as the Order of the Pheonix)
-Eight copies of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
-40% of Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.
-Two copies of The Return of the King.
I would like to say a huge thank you to all my readers over the past year who have collectively viewed my stories over 127'000 times, and participated in the games I have hosted on /b/.
I'll be hosting a special 1 year anniversary story on 4Chan in early September, keep an eye out for an exact date.
Here's to another great year!
And, as always, happy fapping!
Onyx xx
Monday, 18 August 2014
Storytiem tonight!
Monsters vs Girls Storytiem will be starting tonight at 11pm GMT.
Your goal tonight will be to pillage and ransack the village of Putsdam, making all the women in it climax. The story is set in the same fantasy world as 'The Siege of Sengraria' is set in. You will be starting off with two pre-created monsters to get the game moving, but players are free to suggest new monsters any time they want to.
I've put a fair amount of work into this storyline, so I'm hoping it creates a good game.
Happy fapping,
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Poll Results! Monsters vs Girls Wins!
Hey everyone,
It was a very close vote this round, but towards the end 'The Pillaging of Putsdam' pulled ahead and took the lead.
The story will take place on the evening of Monday 18th at 11pm GMT. I will be finishing off a new monster type called the "Orc", as well as giving a range of new abilities to the Succubus, including the ability to transform the gender of your target.
All the best,
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Plans for next storytiem!
Good game last night everyone, congratulations on winning!
Here is the complete and final story doc for Sengraria:
Given the popularity of the fantasy stories about Sengraria I'm going to do another round of fantasy stories next. I will probably expand into stories about the caves, ancient temples, and other cities filling the lands around Sengraria.
I still need a good name for this fantasy world, so if anyone has ideas feel free to suggest them in the comments below!
Feel free to vote on the next batch of stories:
The Purge of Sengraria
The Greater Church has heard rumours that Princess Adriana of Sengraria has broken the religious law of the land by summoning an army of demons to do her bidding. The Church has thus decided to send two of its most elite demon-hunters to purge Sengraria of demonic influences and arrest the heretic Adriana. You will play as Confessor John Bircham and High Priestess Lucy Heartwell.
Raiders of the Lost Temple
An unlikely partnership of a female orc and an elf discover a long lost temple in the Western Wastes, hundreds of miles from Sengraria. While the eyes of the world are looking upon the Siege of Sengraria the two adventurers decide to raid the temple for its treasures and get rich quickly. Traps and malevolent molesters await them in the dark corridors.
Monsters vs Girls Game - The Pillaging of Putsdam
This game will be played using the Monsters vs Girls rules. You will play from the perspective of the monsters this time and must make all the girls in the village of Putsdam climax. You will be able to design your own monsters and upgrade them with better and stronger mutations as the game progresses.
Check out the rules for Monsters vs Girls here:
Luffles, Onyx xx
Given the popularity of the fantasy stories about Sengraria I'm going to do another round of fantasy stories next. I will probably expand into stories about the caves, ancient temples, and other cities filling the lands around Sengraria.
I still need a good name for this fantasy world, so if anyone has ideas feel free to suggest them in the comments below!
Feel free to vote on the next batch of stories:
The Purge of Sengraria
The Greater Church has heard rumours that Princess Adriana of Sengraria has broken the religious law of the land by summoning an army of demons to do her bidding. The Church has thus decided to send two of its most elite demon-hunters to purge Sengraria of demonic influences and arrest the heretic Adriana. You will play as Confessor John Bircham and High Priestess Lucy Heartwell.
Raiders of the Lost Temple
An unlikely partnership of a female orc and an elf discover a long lost temple in the Western Wastes, hundreds of miles from Sengraria. While the eyes of the world are looking upon the Siege of Sengraria the two adventurers decide to raid the temple for its treasures and get rich quickly. Traps and malevolent molesters await them in the dark corridors.
Monsters vs Girls Game - The Pillaging of Putsdam
This game will be played using the Monsters vs Girls rules. You will play from the perspective of the monsters this time and must make all the girls in the village of Putsdam climax. You will be able to design your own monsters and upgrade them with better and stronger mutations as the game progresses.
Check out the rules for Monsters vs Girls here:
Luffles, Onyx xx
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
15 minutes!
We're beginning storytiem in 15 minutes, I'm just putting the final touches on part 2.
Onyx xx
Onyx xx
Siege of Sengraria Wins!
After a very close vote the Siege of Sengraria part 2 won.
The next storytiem will be held tonight at around 11pm GMT. Keep an eye on the twitter and blog for exact times.
We will pick up where we left off, with the Princess trying to dominate the Demon Lord to get access to his army and save Sengraria!
The next storytiem will be held tonight at around 11pm GMT. Keep an eye on the twitter and blog for exact times.
We will pick up where we left off, with the Princess trying to dominate the Demon Lord to get access to his army and save Sengraria!
Saturday, 9 August 2014
Storytiem this week! Vote for which story you want!
Hey everyone,
Next storytiem will be happening soon, probably Monday, Tuesday or Wedesday of this week.
I have a few ideas for stories, vote for which one is your favourite.
1.) Zone-tan Parody
Taking inspiration from the great Flash artist Zone's ZTV News I am planning to do a story about Zone-tan in the ZTV News station. Tentacles, monsters, and orgasms galore. And you can turn into a demon when you get pissed off.
For those who haven't seen ZTV News before, you're in for a treat!
2.) The Cuthbalt Counterattack (Part 2 of the alien series)
Following on from the very successful story about space marines fighting the Rapeanid aliens, this story will be about the humans leading a counter-attack to regain the captured industrial heartland of Sicarus IV, the Cuthbalt Iron Belt. You will be leading a much larger group of soldiers than last time, and may even have vehicles and air support at your disposal. But don't think that will stop the aliens from raping you...
3.) The Seige of Sengraria Part 2!
We left off with the guardsmen retreating to the inner walls, the elf hiding out in the forest, and the Princess sex-fighting with the demon lord to try and win new allies in the war. Can they hold out against the siege, or will Sengraria fall?
Next storytiem will be happening soon, probably Monday, Tuesday or Wedesday of this week.
I have a few ideas for stories, vote for which one is your favourite.
1.) Zone-tan Parody
Taking inspiration from the great Flash artist Zone's ZTV News I am planning to do a story about Zone-tan in the ZTV News station. Tentacles, monsters, and orgasms galore. And you can turn into a demon when you get pissed off.
For those who haven't seen ZTV News before, you're in for a treat!
Following on from the very successful story about space marines fighting the Rapeanid aliens, this story will be about the humans leading a counter-attack to regain the captured industrial heartland of Sicarus IV, the Cuthbalt Iron Belt. You will be leading a much larger group of soldiers than last time, and may even have vehicles and air support at your disposal. But don't think that will stop the aliens from raping you...
3.) The Seige of Sengraria Part 2!
We left off with the guardsmen retreating to the inner walls, the elf hiding out in the forest, and the Princess sex-fighting with the demon lord to try and win new allies in the war. Can they hold out against the siege, or will Sengraria fall?
What Story Would You Like Next?
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