Saturday, 8 November 2014

The Great Reformation!

After some advice from a very kind Anon I've taken some steps to reform my website and the way we do storytiem. I will break down these updates into two sections, website and stories.

On the Website:
-Disqus has now been implemented, enabling you to leave entirely anonymous comments without having to sign in.
-I am examining different ways to host the stories, rather than Google Docs.
-Finally, I am looking at better sites than Blogspot.

On Stories 
In the past there have been a lot of stories which haven't been given a proper ending. I am currently going through these to tie up loose ends. This will take some time to finish though.

In order to prevent more loose ends happening in future I am going to implement a maximum of three stories ongoing at any one time. These will be:

a.) The Flagship Story
This will be an extremely long story that runs indefinitely. When we vote for the flagship story it will gain the top place for a period of 2 months; at the end of which you will have the opportunity to vote in another story to be the flagship. A flagship story can never hold two consecutive terms. Examples of stories that are good for this are the Bogwarts story or Nicky's School Days.

b.) The Regular Story
This is a medium length story that can be played over 2-3 eight hour sessions. Think of it like the Siege of Sengraria series. A new regular story will be voted in whenever the old one finishes; or you can choose to extend it by another term, but only once.

c.) The One-off Special
These stories are a one-off special. Kind of like the original horror stories I used to write. Every time it finishes we will vote in a new one. The One-off special allows people to suggest their own ideas in the Disqus comments, which will be added to the voting options.

Finally, I am going to attempt to announce storytiem at least three days in advance, and host more often on weekends.

So, comments and questions are now open with the Disqus; give me a hand and try it out, let me know if it's working for you ok.

Happy fapping,

Onyx xx

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