I was concerned that Bogwarts was going to be the top story forever; but as I looked at the past polls it seems the percentage of people voting for it has steadily decreased, while the percentage of people voting for other games has now reached around 60%. Perhaps it's a pattern? Maybe it's not. We'll see.
Anyway, since Bogwarts got voted in again I'm adding some more new features to the game to keep it fresh.
Labeling Days
Instead of just Day 15, Day 16 etc. I am now going to label the days Monday-Sunday. This makes it easier to keep track at a glance.
New Classes:
1.) Religious Education and Holy Magic
Religious education will teach holy magics to combat demons and the undead. It is much more powerful than Defence Against Dark Things spells; however you can only cast holy magic if your orgasm and horniness stats are below 50%.
2.) Wizarding Law
It's law, but for wizards. It does have a use. Trust me.
3.) Bio-enchantment Class
A more advanced class only available to those who are doing well in both Charms and Bio-herbology or Magical Creature Handling. These include spells that increase your strength, agility, make you more resistant to pleasure etc.
Broom Riding
You can now use your broom to travel to different areas. Anons are welcome to suggest their ideas of where to go. Better brooms are able to travel much farther. I will be placing the location of Bogwarts on a map pretty soon so you can see the distance you can travel.
For the meantime, assume that your old knobbly broom can take you to Edinburgh's Magical Quarter, and that's about it.
If you want to go further than your broom will allow you will have to buy plane or train tickets instead.
New Dungeons
I've created several new dungeons you can explore and look for loot. As always, you should visit the MAAF society and they will let you know where you can go looking. Some Dungeons will be extremely hard, so it may be best to leave with a little bit of loot and come back later, rather than try to finish the dungeon and fail.
New Characters
I've also made 6 new characters that will be introduced as the story goes on. (3 male, 3 female)
The Storytiem Christmas Special
I will be hosting a special 18 hour session for Bogwarts for Christmas.
Yip. You read that right. My current record for writing is about 11 hours. I'm going for an 18 hour marathon for the Bogwarts story on Saturday 13th December. The date may change, but I'm pretty sure that's when it is going to be held.
Quick Question
Why is the Bogwarts story so popular?
I asked this last night on /b/ and got a few diverse answers. I'd really like to hear more from you guys/girls/delicious tarps though. If you let me know what aspects of the story are good I can try to expand on those a bit more. You can leave an anonymous comment in the Disquss box below this post.
Happy Fapping,
Onyx xx
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