- Health
Traditionally in RPG's health will be reduced by your getting hurt in some way. For my stories the health mechanic has been replaced by an 'Orgasm' mechanic, whereby a climax equals a loss in the same way that losing all your health equals a loss. This has proven very successful in games that I have run so far.
However, I am always looking to improve, and to that end I have come up with a couple of new ideas for alternative health meters. These could be run alongside the 'Orgasm' meter for more complex RPG's.
Confidence is a measure of your character's ability to express their opinion, stand up for what they believe, and generally not be a submissive nervous wreck.
A typical character will begin the game with 70% confidence, although this can vary to represent shyer or more confident characters.
What boosts confidence?
-Winning fights.
-Succeeding in certain encounters.
What drains confidence?
-Losing certain types of fights.
-Being forced to act out, or be subjected to humiliating/embarrassing acts. For example, imagine that there is an enemy which records you getting fucked and then posts it online for the world to see. That would damage your confidence.
What are the negative effects of low confidence?
-Your character will generally perform poorly in non-combat NPC encounters, being manipulated into having sex etc. This can create a negative spiral.
-When your confidence reaches 0 the players will be unable to take actions when in the presence of an NPC. The NPCs decision will always take precedence until confidence is restored.
The Sluttyness/Bimbo scale measures your character's willingness to engage in and receptiveness to sexual acts.
A typical virgin character will begin the game with 0 sluttyness. It goes on a scale of 0-10.
What raises sluttyness?
-Orgasming, or enjoying being violated by an enemy.
-Engaging in sexy behavior with NPC's
What lowers sluttyness?
-Reading holy/moral books.
-Engaging in moral, decent behavior with NPC's.
What are the effects of low/high sluttyness?
-High sluttyness means your character will have additional options when talking with NPC's. However, you will also find it more difficult to resist enemies who are attacking you, and as a result risk losing through a 'bad orgasm,' (See the Losing section for more information on bad/good orgasms.) or becoming impregnated.
-Low sluttyness means your character will be less able to deal with NPC's and have much more limited options. However, they are better at resisting enemy attacks and will have their orgasm meters fill more slowly, as well as having less chance of becoming impregnated. - Stats
For the games I have run so far I have been allocating characters various stats when I create them. The following is a list. Note that not every game uses every one of these stats.
Combat Skill
I have been thinking of re-doing this section as I feel it is too detached from the players. These are the cogs whirring in the background that determine the required rolls, but sometimes I have to tweak the results because they lead to ridiculous situations if left to their own devices. If anyone has any better ideas for creating characters please fire me an email, or leave a comment here. - Losing
This is tricky. I have to balance the line between giving players the erotic content they want, whilst simultaneously ensuring that the threat of rape remains, because that is what gives the game its exciting edge. I have balanced these in the past by offering a 'Gallery mode' for completing the game where you will get a sex scene of your choice with any of the monsters you encountered. Alternatively I have also saved the best erotic scenes for the finale. (See the conclusion of Suzi Lost in Romania).
Another area I'm looking into is good v. bad orgasms. A good orgasm is an orgasm that you willingly choose to commit yourself to. For example, you meet an NPC and hook up with them. That is a willing orgasm. You find yourself tied to a chair with a vibrator shoved in your pussy, that's a bad orgasm. There will be some blurred lines of course... but we'll cross those bridges when they cum. (Excuse the pun.)
Finally, I am experimenting with non-orgasm related losses. These include:
-Infection (If you consume/have enough semen enter your body you become infected in some way.)
-Impregnation (If you become impregnated you lose)
-Humiliated (If you experience enough humiliation you submit to the enemies and lose.)
I am always looking for more ideas so please feel free to submit them to onyxdime@gmail.com , or alternatively leave a comment on the blog.
If you are going to contact me via email, remember not to use an email account with your real name in it. Create a new one for porn and sexy stuff. I shouldn't have to say this, but already 4 people have emailed me demanding that I delete the email they just sent me because they didn't realise their name would appear on the Gmail. Take your privacy as seriously as I take it.
Onyxdime xx
P.S. I'm looking for new ideas for monsters to use in future stories. And I'm looking for people to host these stories. If you are interested in hosting a story on 4Chan or some forum sometime hit me up and I'll give you some pointers/free monsters to use.
P.S. I'm looking for new ideas for monsters to use in future stories. And I'm looking for people to host these stories. If you are interested in hosting a story on 4Chan or some forum sometime hit me up and I'll give you some pointers/free monsters to use.
Concerning the stats paragraph: to make it more random, you could choose them before and then let the users tweak by random rolls (for example, on 4chan a 5 means 0 while 6 +1, 7 +2 while 4 -1, 3 -2 and so on...)
ReplyDeleteHey, sorry for the (very) late reply. I hadn't noticed this comment!
DeleteGood idea! That could help ensure it's kept random.
Unfortunately 4Chan has recently gotten rid of ID's so samefagging is very easy now.
Hope you enjoy the new stories,
Onyxdime xoxo