Monday, 16 December 2013

Idea for a New Type of Game - Multiplayer; Girl v Monster!

Hi guys/girls/others,

Sorry the story is taking so long to put up on the site, been bogged down with work here. It should be up today though!

In other news I'm adapting the Storytiem system to make a new type of game for you guys.

It will be a multiplayer game, with girls on one side and monsters on the other. I'll do a 1v1 level as an example for you.  One person plays as a monster trying to rape the girl and make her orgasm, the other plays as a girl trying to escape from the map by completing objectives, e.g. find car keys, get to car, drive away. Players rotate between playing as the monster and playing as the girl, so everyone gets a turn doing both.

Players who successfully complete their objectives/make the girl climax will be given points to spend upgrading their girl with weapons, better clothing, wire cutters. Basically anything you can think of that would be useful. If it hasn't been used before I'll calculate a good points cost for it. This way we'll get an ever growing range of items to buy.

The basic outfit will be extremely weak, perhaps just a pyjama top and bottoms. You could upgrade to stronger outfits like a schoolgirl outfit, a tracksuit, etc. These would offer more protection.
Items you can purchase might include, a gun to fight off the monsters, a torch, matches etc. Remember that you might find items in the map as well, so you mightn't need to spend as much money on items.

As a girl, you will also have to worry about status aliments. Depending on their mutations monsters will be able to do a variety of things to weaken you. For example, paralyzing you with a poison, drugging you with an aphrodisiac, binding you so you can't move etc.

On the other hand, monsters can spend their points on mutations. You purchase a body for your monster to begin with. E.g. Humanoid, four legged animal, blob, gas, liquid, ghost, skeleton (There's gonna be a huge list as we'll keep adding new ones as people suggest them!) You can then buy upgrades like tentacles, invisibility, vibrating dick, breast suckers, mind control, telepathy, etc. to add on to your monster. These will impact on how well you can hunt down the girl and make her cum.

This gives enormous flexibility tithe monsters that can be created.
If you want to create a human that has mind control powers, you can!
You can make tentacle monster that can turn invisible to ambush its prey!
Or you could make a swarm of tiny creatures!
If you're so inclined you could create a creature that controls a group of weak minions to hunt down the girl!
You could create a creature that focuses on giving status aliments to girls to allow other monsters to finish them off. Perhaps it could paralyse them, give them aphrodisiacs, terrify them into not moving.

My first idea for a map is two old houses facing each other across a swamp. The girl picks one of the houses to start, then the monster can pick to start in either of the two houses, or to start in the swamp in the middle. This means that the player and the monster could start close together if the girl is unlucky.

To aid players in finding/hiding from each other the girl would be given announcements like "you hear a nearby shuffling" if the monster is close. The monster could make loud noises and pay for traps with the environment to scare the girl into screaming, or maybe even immobilise her for a while.(Perhaps a mirror that has a ghostly figure appear in it to scare the girl, or a pile of possessed ropes on the floor that tie her ankles.)

Furthermore, if the monsters type is right they could boobytrap certain objects themselves. E.g. A liquid or slime monster could squeeze in the pipes and squirt over the girl when the shower is turned on. Or a skeleton monster could hide in a crypt amongst other skeletons and the girl wouldn't be able to tell which one was the monster.

The points system will probably give the girl 2000 points for escaping and the monster 1000 points for making her orgasm. Points that are won carry over to the next round. Upgrades to your body last until you buy different ones, traps are one-off purchases.

I was going to host it on a private forum, with posts being restricted to the girl and the monster respectively so the other side doesn't know where they are. After a game is finished I'll release the story onto my blog.

Let me know what you guys think, I really want your ideas for this here. Anything at all! Monster bodies, upgrades for the girl or monsters, ideas for maps etc. Send them to my email at or you can leave a comment on this post.

Luffles and happy fapping,

Onyxdime xx

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

HNyarly's Sex Realm

After emailing HNyarly (creator of one of my favourite hentai games, Sex Realm) they have given me permission to use their character and the setting for one of my stories!

So on Sunday 8th December from 4pm-10pm GMT I will be writing a story about Beth in homage to this great artist! If you haven't played Sex Realm yet I strongly recommend it. My only warning is that you have to work to discover the sex scenes; not every enemy is out to rape you!

But if you can approach the game with an open mind, be patient enough to solve puzzles and do a little grinding then you will be rewarded with high quality sex scenes!

Check out HNyarly's work here:

See you guys on Sunday!

Happy fapping,

Onyxdime xoxo

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Where to go next?

Hey guys, girls, and others, Just making a poll to see what you guys would like to fap to next. As always, please suggest your own stories too; and remember that I offer private story sessions of up to 3 hours for free. (The only catch is that I will use these to try out new game mechanics which may not always work well.) Luffles, Onyxdime xoxo

Monday, 25 November 2013

Uploading stories!

I've uploaded two new stories. EDIT: 3 new stories! Check out the Finished Stories page to view them.

The first is a story about an archaeology student from a College who visits Egypt to explore a new Pyramid that has been discovered... needless to say things don't end well. *Check the bottom of this post for spoliers*

The second is a story which became rather humorous after several hours of dragging on. It shouldn't be viewed as erotic from the halfway point. /b/ started rolling some extremely high and low numbers, we even got trips. So, in light of that this story became a comedy. It is still rather fappable for the first half; but if you're looking to fap, stop reading after the card scene.

In our first story the /b/tards managed to win. So, I offered them three stories with possible monsters of their choosing. The first of these free gallery stories is complete and I will upload it after I finish formatting the first two.


Onyxdime xoxo

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

A Minecraft Server?

Hey everyone,

Just had an idea to create an adults only Minecraft server for you guys/girls/other to enjoy.

It would probably be on the more serious side, focusing on construction rather than destruction. A group building cities, towns, outposts, infrastructure connecting them etc.

If any of you would be interested let me know by leaving a name in the comments, as well as suggesting good mods that we can use!

There will be a new story starting tomorrow evening.


Onyxdime xx

Monday, 7 October 2013

On Health, Stats and Losing...

So, I've been playing with a few ideas lately to try and improve/diversify the basic game mechanics. I'll run over them in three separate categories.

  1. Health
    Traditionally in RPG's health will be reduced by your getting hurt in some way. For my stories the health mechanic has been replaced by an 'Orgasm' mechanic, whereby a climax equals a loss in the same way that losing all your health equals a loss. This has proven very successful in games that I have run so far.

    However, I am always looking to improve, and to that end I have come up with a couple of new ideas for alternative health meters. These could be run alongside the 'Orgasm' meter for more complex RPG's.

    Confidence is a measure of your character's ability to express their opinion, stand up for what they believe, and generally not be a submissive nervous wreck.
    A typical character will begin the game with 70% confidence, although this can vary to represent shyer or more confident characters.

    What boosts confidence?
    -Winning fights.
    -Succeeding in certain encounters.

    What drains confidence?
    -Losing certain types of fights.
    -Being forced to act out, or be subjected to humiliating/embarrassing acts. For example, imagine that there is an enemy which records you getting fucked and then posts it online for the world to see. That would damage your confidence.

    What are the negative effects of low confidence?
    -Your character will generally perform poorly in non-combat NPC encounters, being manipulated into having sex etc. This can create a negative spiral.
    -When your confidence reaches 0 the players will be unable to take actions when in the presence of an NPC. The NPCs decision will always take precedence until confidence is restored.

    The Sluttyness/Bimbo scale measures your character's willingness to engage in and receptiveness to sexual acts.
    A typical virgin character will begin the game with 0 sluttyness. It goes on a scale of 0-10.

    What raises sluttyness?
    -Orgasming, or enjoying being violated by an enemy.
    -Engaging in sexy behavior with NPC's

    What lowers sluttyness?
    -Reading holy/moral books.
    -Engaging in moral, decent behavior with NPC's.

    What are the effects of low/high sluttyness?
    -High sluttyness means your character will have additional options when talking with NPC's. However, you will also find it more difficult to resist enemies who are attacking you, and as a result risk losing through a 'bad orgasm,' (See the Losing section for more information on bad/good orgasms.) or becoming impregnated.
    -Low sluttyness means your character will be less able to deal with NPC's and have much more limited options. However, they are better at resisting enemy attacks and will have their orgasm meters fill more slowly, as well as having less chance of becoming impregnated.
  2. Stats

    For the games I have run so far I have been allocating characters various stats when I create them. The following is a list. Note that not every game uses every one of these stats.

    Combat Skill

    I have been thinking of re-doing this section as I feel it is too detached from the players. These are the cogs whirring in the background that determine the required rolls, but sometimes I have to tweak the results because they lead to ridiculous situations if left to their own devices. If anyone has any better ideas for creating characters please fire me an email, or leave a comment here.
  3. Losing

    This is tricky. I have to balance the line between giving players the erotic content they want, whilst simultaneously ensuring that the threat of rape remains, because that is what gives the game its exciting edge. I have balanced these in the past by offering a 'Gallery mode' for completing the game where you will get a sex scene of your choice with any of the monsters you encountered. Alternatively I have also saved the best erotic scenes for the finale. (See the conclusion of Suzi Lost in Romania).

    Another area I'm looking into is good v. bad orgasms. A good orgasm is an orgasm that you willingly choose to commit yourself to. For example, you meet an NPC and hook up with them. That is a willing orgasm. You find yourself tied to a chair with a vibrator shoved in your pussy, that's a bad orgasm. There will be some blurred lines of course... but we'll cross those bridges when they cum. (Excuse the pun.)

    Finally, I am experimenting with non-orgasm related losses. These include:
    -Infection (If you consume/have enough semen enter your body you become infected in some way.)
    -Impregnation (If you become impregnated you lose)
    -Humiliated (If you experience enough humiliation you submit to the enemies and lose.)

    I am always looking for more ideas so please feel free to submit them to , or alternatively leave a comment on the blog.

    If you are going to contact me via email, remember not to use an email account with your real name in it. Create a new one for porn and sexy stuff. I shouldn't have to say this, but already 4 people have emailed me demanding that I delete the email they just sent me because they didn't realise their name would appear on the Gmail. Take your privacy as seriously as I take it.

Onyxdime xx

P.S. I'm looking for new ideas for monsters to use in future stories. And I'm looking for people to host these stories. If you are interested in hosting a story on 4Chan or some forum sometime hit me up and I'll give you some pointers/free monsters to use.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Two More Stories!

Two more stories have been added to the Finished Stories section!

You can check them out here:


The S-Virus Mutation

As usual, feel free to leave comments and criticism. Everything is appreciated!


Onyxdime xx

Monday, 9 September 2013

Chatrooms and Maps!

Ground Floor
Second Floor

This game will feature a map, which will allow players to know where they are. There will be two other floors in the game, the basement and the 2nd floor.

Hope to see you all at 9pm GMT!

I will be telling the stories this here tonight!

Try Relay: the free SMS and picture text app for iPhone.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Detention update!

Hey guys,

'Detention' is going to be told at 9pm GMT on September 9th!

I am currently looking into a chatroom that we could use for the event, any and all suggestions are welcome. I might run it on 4chan, still thinking about it. At the minute I'd say I'm about 60% likely to use a chatroom.

Looking forward to seeing if you guys can survive this game like you did in Suzi's Mansion ;)
(Don't worry if you lose, you can always try again. I'll just restart the game.)


Onyxdime xx

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Monsters, Magic, and Molestation, Oh My!

The past few days have been spent finalizing the plot for 'Detention' (It's gonna be fantastic!) and gathering my new team together. It has been extremely busy, I've now received emails from over 110 different people wanting to know more about these stories, offering criticism, and giving me great ideas.

Thanks to all of you!

In the meantime I thought I would give you a few teasers about what you can expect from 'Detention.'

  • There will be between 25-35 possibly monsters that you can encounter in the game.
  • In addition, there will be non-hostile NPC's, puzzles, and tests.
  • The game will feature a brand new combat system!
  • The old orgasm system is being replaced by two new meters. The first of these is the 'Arousal meter' which has several stages ranging from 'normal' through to 'soaking pussy.' The Arousal meter can also run in a negative direction with values such as 'terrified' and 'frigid This determines how horny your character is. The second is the Orgasm meter which runs from '0-100%.'
    It is possible to be fully aroused without having an orgasm e.g. if you are drugged or really turned on by something you see. And it is also possible to have an unwanted orgasm when your Arousal meter is in a negative range. (Imagine you are being raped by two zombies; you are terrified, but all the while as they thrust into your pussy, rubbing against your clitoris you can't help but feel an orgasm building. You try hard to avoid it, but it soon washes over you and in shame you find yourself climaxing over an undead's cock.)
  • An in-depth story with a lot of player freedom; defeated enemies are now usually lootable!
Lootable items; hording lots of shit ftw!

I previously mentioned that I would have trouble writing a fantasy story, but three things have recently happened that might allow me to actually run one (for all you fantasy geeks out there!)
1. I got an awesome guy on my team who knows his fantasy shit.
2. I got myself a copy of "Monster Manual" and I'm sure I can rework at least half of these into decent fantasy enemies!
3. I might be on to a decent idea for a fantasy story!

Detention will be told on the 9th September 2013. We are not sure of the exact time yet, but will let you know by the 6th September.

The only question that we need answered before that is: Where will we host the story?

I'd appreciate it if you guys filled in the poll below for me and let me know where you would like the story to be told. Bare in mind that this poll will not be binding upon us; and we will host the story where we think is the best place to ensure quality for everyone who wants to enjoy the story.

In other news, I'm setting up a Twitter account and forum soon, so you won't ever miss a story again ;)


Onyxdime xx

Monday, 2 September 2013

That Was A Disaster

Many of you will have saw the story I hosted on /b/ this morning.

If you didn't manage to make it to the thread, don't worry. It was shit.

I've reviewed the story a few times now, spoken to several readers, and listed what I consider to be the main problems:

1. Repetitive combat.
Abigail got up and fell down five times in a row. Five. Fucking. Times. That isn't fun. That isn't erotic. It is boring.
2. Drawn out combat.
Five fucking repetitions of the same action. Not sexy, not fun, not a good story. 90% of the story took place in one room. The combat shouldn't have lasted as long as it did.
3. Piss poor planning.
This story was improvised. Without planning the storyline was weak, monsters were boring and unimaginative, and the protagonist was two dimensional.
4. Human errors.
I made far too many mistakes when editing stats, posting which items of clothing were destroyed/damaged, and allowed far too many inconsistencies to occur. (Her panties were pulled down when she was still wearing her shorts.)

In response to these I am drawing up a 5 point plan to ensure that in future my stories are of a far higher quality. Even higher quality than what you experienced when you enjoyed Jessie's Chateau and Suzi's Mansion.

  1. First and most importantly; I rang up my internet provider today and requested a stronger connection. One that would not randomly cut off like it did today. (To all the anon's today in the Officer Abigail thread, I am truly sorry. I have never bailed on a story so far on /b/ and I have no intention of doing so again in the future.) This will be fixed, enabling me to keep delivering you long story sessions.
  2. Properly plan the stories out.
    The Jessie and Suzi stories were great. Why? Because I planned them out. I spent hours designing monsters with unique attacks. Erotacacti, the buzzing anal bugs, the skeleton hands, the mirror being. These were good ideas that were the result of time being invested in my work. I learnt today that poor planning creates piss stories.
  3. There was too much fighting and not enough dying. Fights should last a maximum of 5 turns I reckon. By this point they should naturally end with you being raped, you escaping, or you killing the creature. I will be reworking the combat system to ensure that it is more streamlined.
  4. Threads on 4Chan aren't working atm. The problems are threefold: Anon's cheating on their rolls, trolls spamming the threads, and horny teens going through puberty posting idiotic shit which is ruining it for those who want to enjoy the story/game as well as the erotic content.
    I am going to host stories on chatrooms from now on. This should allow for several great advantages:
    -No samefags.
    -Multiple player characters!
    -Blocking of trolls.
    -No 404's!
    -Quicker replies to stories (No captcha!)
  5. Finally, I am looking to recruit two volunteers to help me plan, perform and write stories.
    If you are interested please write to I will get back to you with a few questions, we'll have a short chat and I'll let you know if you make the cut.
Once again, I apologise for today's appalling thread and story. The erotic story community, /B/, and my readers all deserve a higher standard of story than the shitty drivel that was written today.

The next major story will be held on September 9th. This will be the story you voted for, 'Detention' and will feature a possible 30 new monsters to encounter. I consider at least 10 of these to be extremely unique, and another 10 to be fairly unique. I hope that this, combined with the new combat system and use of a proper chatroom will deliver a far superior experience.

Luffles and apologies,

Onyxdime xx

Detention Fetish Poll

Guys, let me know what fetishes you would like to see most in this new game. ;)

Sunday, 1 September 2013


It seems that Detention is already the winner in this online poll!

I will be hosting a game of Detention in the coming days, keep an eye on this blog for further details.

In this story you will play Delilah Foxglove, an 18 year old girl serving an after school detention. However, she soon finds herself locked in as the school closes up for the weekend, and the teachers seemingly forget about her.

Now she is trapped inside as darkness falls and many evil creatures begin to stalk her through the corridors and classrooms.

Her is a preview of two of the new monsters that will be in this story...

'The Formless Spirit'
This was once a being that was human, but has long had its soul removed. In order to experience any human feelings it must choose a host to reside within. Once it has achieved a vessel it can then experience all the pleasure, pain, and ecstasy that only a physical form can bring.

'The Possessed Cheerleaders'
The possessed cheerleader squad had been staying late for practice. Unfortunately when the darkness came over the school they were inside. Now they roam around the school's *********** waiting for a victim to come in that they can play with.

As always, if you guys have any fetishes you REALLY like, or great ideas for monsters, send them in! I'll gladly put almost anything in one of my stories as long as it fits contextually. (e.g. no monsters that would seem completely out of place...)

Who knows, you might have the joy of watching Delilah get abused by your very own creation ;)


Onyxdime xx

Saturday, 31 August 2013

What A Story! (And 5 new story ideas for you guys!)

I don't think I've ever seen such a combination of lucky and unlucky rolling in my life! The story on 4chan last night was absolutely amazing! 8 1/2 hours of glorious RPG'ing with a powerful climax.

It was almost perfect, the entire story just flowed, giving players hope, then cruelly taking it away from them. (Praise be to our heavenly Based Father, infinite in his rolling wisdom!)

I'm currently writing the story up now, correcting typos, and buffing up some of the scenes that I cut short. (Expanding the erotic stuff for you guys, so when you re-read it there are better parts to fap to!)

Give me around 48 hours to do this, it might be over 30 pages long...

As you know, my stories are designed to be very replayable with different results on how you play. Each story can be completed though. At the minute I only have 2 stories, but I am considering penning a third one.

In the meantime I thought I'd share some story ideas with you; let me know what you guys think of the following ideas:

  1. The WMD'S of Babylon
    Set in Post-Invasion Iraq, 2004, this story would be unique in that it would have 3 player characters. (One male and two female soldiers) The players would first choose their gear and weapons and then be driven to a quarantine zone. Here they would find that Saddam's WMD's were so horrifying that it was better for the world to think USA and UK got the intelligence wrong, than to know this horrible thing existed... [This story allows for 3 players and unlimited viewers who can advise the players. I may also allow viewers to control enemy monsters.] -1 week to write and plan.
  2. Outbreak
    It is 1999 in Racoon City, the T-Virus has mutated uncontrollably before finally stabilizing as an STD. (Now called the ST-Virus) [You will be able to create your own character from a set of pre-defined careers, activities, and lifestyle choices. Both male and female characters are allowed The game starts as a normal day...] 3 days to write and plan.
  3. SEX-COM
    The Earth is under attack from extra terrestrials... Assemble a crack team of 4 soliders and prepare to fight back!
    [This RPG will play over a longer period of time than the others. It will feature 4 playable characters, as well as other anon's playing as the aliens. The game allows for both male and female characters. It will spoof the game X-Com, as you lead a crack team to defend the Earth against an alien menace... In this game mode if your soldiers orgasm they are controlled by the aliens.] -3 weeks to write and plan.
  4. Unnamed Fantasy Adventure Game
    I need to think more on this one, it will be similar to the world of Oblivion though, with bows/arrows etc. I don't really write fantasy stuff, but if it is a popular choice I'll do my best. -Maybe a fortnight to write/plan this one? I've never done fantasy before.
  5. Detention
    After being sentenced to detention after school, Delilah Foxglove was forgotten about. Left inside the school as it was locked up she finds herself being stalked by an unknown entity... Can she keep her sanity and lust controlled until the morning? [This game features a new sanity meter which would slowly drain and rise based upon events. As it drains the distinction between our world, and the world of the entity begins to break down.] -3 days to write and plan.

I can do more than one story if you want. If this is the case, leave a comment below this page letting me know which story you like most, which one 2nd most, and the story you like least.

Or, if you have a better idea suggest it in the comments section. Be quite specific! What kind of monsters/enemies, what time period is it set? Male or female protagonist? I can then consider adding it to the poll if I like the sound of writing about it. :)


Onyxdime xx

Thursday, 29 August 2013

The Birth of a Thousand New Worlds...

Hello everyone,

Most of you will probably know me from my works on /b/, others will know me from other online forums. If you have somehow arrived here and don't know me, let me take 2 minutes to introduce myself.

I am Onyxdime, and I write erotic fiction where the story's direction changes based upon the choices of the readers. A fellow from /b/ described it as, "The Dungeons and Dragons of sex." And I can see where he is coming from. The stories I tell are vast, with many characters, many monsters, a lot of loot, and a lot of sex. However, as a result of the nature in which these stories are told, a majority of the work will contain non-consensual scenes and a few odd fetishes.

If you see something you like, sit back and enjoy it. If you see something you don't like, try and get the character to avoid those situations.

If you are still interested after reading this far, let me link you to the first story that I have recorded on here. Unfortunately the players did not succeed, but they didn't do too badly. (

I have many stories planned out. But what makes these stories even better is that they are so replayable. If you want I can simply reboot an older story and you can try a different approach. To give you an idea of the vastness of these stories a group of anon's on /b/ explored the French Chateau for 2 1/2 hours, whilst only visiting about 1/8 of the total rooms in the mansion, and only meeting 2 of the dozens of lovely enemies and characters!

After receiving very strong positive feedback on my writings I have begun this blog to record everything that is created. Sort of like a museum.

I will announce when new story sessions will be held, and if players are interested in GM'ing a game I will gladly teach and provide them with everything they need. (As long as I believe they possess a strong enough intellect, wit and command of the English language.)

Finally, I appreciate all ideas you guys/gals/other may have for my stories. Every idea added can only increase the wonderful possibilities that erotic writing can give. Please leave me comments with your ideas, or email me them.

If you want I can also do private session stories with you. I am currently planning to charge a small fee for these as I generally prefer to please the greatest number of people at any one time as I can. However, private sessions can be tailored to suit more obscure fetishes (strict rules of no scat/guro, sorry!).

Thanks, and I look forward to helping you all cum buckets for years to come.


Onyxdime xx