Monday, 23 February 2015

Blogger is restricting adult content on their blogs.

About 10 minutes ago I received the following email:

"Dear Blogger User,

We're writing to tell you about an upcoming change to the Blogger Content Policy that may affect your account.

In the coming weeks, we'll no longer allow blogs that contain sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video. We'll still allow nudity presented in artistic, educational, documentary or scientific contexts, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content.

After this policy comes into force, Google will restrict access to any blog identified as being in violation of our revised policy. No content will be deleted, but only blog authors and those with whom they have expressly shared the blog will be able to see the content that we've made private.

Our records indicate that your account may be affected by this policy change. Please refrain from creating new content that would violate this policy. We would also ask you to make any necessary changes to your existing blog to comply as soon as possible so that you won't experience any interruptions in service. You may also choose to create an archive of your content via Google Takeout ("
Does this necessarily mean the end of the erotic archive? No. I would have to remove 5-6 nude pictures that are on the blog, but aside from that it isn't breaking any rules.

However, I will be moving the entire archive to a new website in protest of Blogger's puritanical, ridiculous rules. It is a complete disgrace that in the 21st century corporations like Google still hold 19th Century attitudes to human sexuality. Erotic content is sidelined and shunned repeatedly from any public discourse on the subject. Shut down by abject puritans, religous fanatics, and sex-negative feminists.

The real problems are going to be faced by the developers of erotic media. Games like Hnyarly's Sex Realm, ShindarkX's N-Wrestle, and DirtyC101's Legend of Krystal game will all be shunted off a mainstream platform which already hides them behind an adult warning screen.

The fact is, erotic media holds extremely few legal protections from any government in the world. Yet media depicting violent imagery like Saw*, films which glorify war, games which involve massacring people in airports, are granted full copyright protection, tax subsidies, and the ability to serve products in the free market with relatively few restrictions beyond age ratings. Good luck finding an erotic game on the shelves of any store, or the digital marketplace of any mainstream seller like Steam or Origin.

In fact, if any other industry was treated as badly as adult entertainment is there would be cases brought before the World Trade Organisation. Even the tobacco industry is taking cases there for government restrictions which are phenomenally less than anything the adult erotic industry faces.

Why has society chosen to condemn pleasure and glorify violence? 
Why does society accept violent games are just 'fantasies' but erotic games are 'abnormal?'

Over the next week I'm going to be contacting the developers of adult erotic media who use blogspot to host their content. I'm going to attempt to unify them all and lead them onto a new platform which will be accepting of their content. If we could establish a single website for developers of erotic media, independent of mainstream corporations like Google, it would ensure more protection for these developers.

Onyx xx

*Don't get me wrong, I'm not against Saw, it's a fucking awesome movie. Just using it as an example of a gory mainstream film people enjoy.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Hegemony: Cold War has been launched

I'm starting a game of Hegemony: Cold War over here. I'm not up to writing smut at the minute, but I think I can do some politics.

This game will be updated at least once every 24 hours.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Not well right now, but I'll be active again soon

Sorry for the long absence, I've been dropping into the IRC about once a week and occasionally checking up on 8Chan.

My depression flared up big time about 3 weeks ago; so I went on a course of antidepressents after consulting my doctor, and things became much worse. Pretty much suicidal for about 3-4 days. Of course, this caused a domino effect and damaged most of my relationships.

At the minute I'm still feeling like the biggest piece of shit on Earth, and I'm having enough trouble holding down real life work, let alone my storytelling hobby.

Whenever I manage to pull myself together I'll be back to telling stories again, Pokemon, Bogwarts and that 18 hour weekend story are still gonna happen. I just need to try and pull myself together first.
